Example sentences of "will [be] [vb pp] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 The chips themselves are being worked on by ITT , which has said the problems will be ironed out in the next few weeks .
2 It will be handled out in courtrooms , DSS offices and prisons this year .
3 Many valuable contacts were made and several projects that could not be implemented during 1990 will be followed through in the future .
4 On pay , the bad old tradition of linking monthly wage rises to the government estimate of monthly inflation was preserved — with the difference that only half of March 's 80% decline in the value of pay-packets will be made up in April .
5 The results of the research will be tested out in a small number of case studies .
6 Only 125 staff will be kept on in the Junction making washing machine .
7 The existing Mirage R — the equivalent of the UK 's GTi — will be phased out in Japan in favour of the Cyborg .
8 Yes , of course most people are quite happy for us to write the cards , in which case the appropriate message will be noted down in the book .
9 All over London , folks will be snuggled up in their cosy little nests , far enough away from Deptford to feel safe , but close enough to feel a frisson of excitement .
10 As usual it will be less well-off smokers who suffer most as a disproportionate amount of their income will be swallowed up in tax . ’
11 This spirit can only travel in a straight line , so when it slides down the roof in the hope of gaining entry to a house , it will be swept up in the air again by the curving gable .
12 All contain the same genes , although different genes will be turned on in the different specialist cells .
13 It has been rumoured that the Great Central 4–4–0 No 506 butler Henderson will be turned out in black livery at some time before its final planned outings during the Spring Gala at the end of February 1992 .
14 ‘ Five or six of the younger lads will be fixed up in Australia , New Zealand or South Africa to further their education in the fame , and we usually reckon to have two or three players on international tours .
15 And if the Lord Cardinal goes , falling from the heavens like Lucifer , you , the little ones , will be dragged down in his wake ! ’
16 The first quarterly accounts with the new rates will be sent out in July .
17 Invitations will be sent out in good time but pensioners with any queries should contact Charles Muir at Regent 's House ( ) .
18 Corrected stock will be sent out in time for a new publication date .
19 The Chief Executive has already written to the Principals/Directors of colleges inviting nominations for seconded National Development Officers and a further letter relating to this will be sent out in the near future .
20 Further details will be sent out in due course but please lodge your interest early to help them plan the event .
21 Full details of these will be sent out in April or May 1992 .
22 There seems every possibility that Trev Proby will be sent down in the near future .
23 Radical plans for the railway network will be pushed through in parallel with the continuation of the huge road-building programme .
24 The expenditure concerned therefore will be written off in the year in which it is incurred .
25 The quarter-finals will be played off in two sessions — two games at 2pm , and another two at 6pm .
26 The quarter-finals will be played off in two sessions — two games at 2pm , and another two at 6pm .
27 Now if you get and this of course once again will be gone through in much more detail er on the training school .
28 Deciding on quantities of food can be difficult but following the old and well tried method of restricting the quantity to an amount which will be snapped up in a couple of minutes works very well .
29 Windows emulation and AppleTalk , LU6.2 and NetWare interoperability technologies will be detailed in in the fourth quarter , while an interapplication communication facility to compete against Windows NT should be unveiled in the second quarter of 1994 .
30 Most of the technology going into this third snapshot will be wrapped up in the second quarter , according to business area manager Jon Gossels .
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