Example sentences of "will [vb infin] [verb] what the " in BNC.

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1 But I do think the minister er should er b be quite clear about that point er because er it may be of crucial importance , not just to the industry , er but also to the public interest who will want to know what the position is so far as er er these matters are concerned .
2 Another thing that did come up at that training day the other day was that we all need a , a , a , anybody that 's going to do any sort of appraising will need to know what the erm training programme is
3 The House will have heard what the hon. Gentleman said about his parliamentary neighbour .
4 That comes within the responsibility of my fellow Under-Secretary of State , my hon. Friend the Member for Eastwood ( Mr. Stewart ) , who will have heard what the hon. Gentleman said about further applications .
5 The detailed points raised by the hon. Member for Linlithgow ( Mr. Dalyell ) are matters for my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs , who will have heard what the hon. Gentleman has said .
6 If you are likely to be prevented from voting in person because of illness you will have to say what the illness is .
7 If every step is a fight resolved with authority then this exhausts the available resources , including the patience and goodwill of those people who will have to implement what the manager intends .
8 In such cases the court will have to estimate what the net commission would have been and award damages accordingly .
9 Now , the other thing that I mentioned yesterday , or we mentioned yesterday , was that local radio is opportunity for practice in various ways , and most local radio in most forms , and we will have to know what the local knowledge is here , do welcome people who are sufficiently interested to contribute stories , information , angles for their programmes .
10 It will try to identify what the key moments of commitment/disengagement are , when , and to whom , school offers self-fulfilment and when it operates denial ; whether patterns of differentiation persist within the national framework of ‘ entitlement ’ and equality of opportunity .
11 It will help to see what the personal ingredients are , and at what point in the arising of stress they are added in , if we take the story ‘ from the top ’ , and look at it as we might the development of a complicated chemical reaction .
12 Over the next few years we want to see a major reform which will help provide what the public wants and needs : a visible , local police presence .
13 The infant will turn to see what the adult is looking at , as if the adult 's behaviour draws the baby 's attention to a potentially interesting event .
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