Example sentences of "will [adv] [verb] at the " in BNC.

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1 Their grants would be reinstated from that date and they will obviously graduate at the end of the appropriate term .
2 It will only look at the premium status up to the fifteenth of the month , it wo n't take into consideration when so recall 's gone through on the sixteenth of the month .
3 Cos if you have it deep , that deep all over the fish will just swim at the bottom you 'll never see them
4 An analogue watch user will just glance at the timepiece and say , ‘ … it 's about a quarter to five ’ .
5 Monthly close down of costs will usually occur at the end of each calendar month to coincide with the similar close down of the financial accounts .
6 No two different paths from the start will ever arrive at the same state .
7 Owner Sam Hammam , manager Joe Kinnear and chief executive David Barnard will also speak at the hearing .
8 It should follow the command ‘ heel ’ without difficulty , and will also sit at the side of a road before being told to cross .
9 The youths will also study at the University of Southwestern Louisiana where they will be able to improve their employment opportunities .
10 However , far from benefiting from this measure , the people of the south-east of England will also suffer at the hands of Chancellor Norman Lamont through increased fuel bills which many of them will have difficulty in paying as , contrary to popular myth , the south-east does not consist entirely of rich people .
11 After about a week they can be given brine shrimp nauplii and microworm , and will also peck at the food offered to the adults .
12 An advice centre and outdoor play facilities will also feature at the new centre .
13 It will also look at the qualities needed in religious journalism , the potential audience for religious news , and compare and contrast religious coverage with other specialist coverage such as that of scientific and educational issues .
14 It will also look at the ways in which these explanations can help us reach an understanding of inequality in higher education .
15 It will also look at the implications of the presence of lower-tier organs of government , at local levels , and at the way in which representative government seems to be expected to work within them .
16 Further , the study will also look at the use of performance indicators in the private sector of the economy in order to establish whether there is anything unique about the public sector or whether problems of evaluating performance are common to particular kinds of services .
17 The research is aimed at drawing on the history of Soviet economic relations with the LDCs as a basis for monitoring the changes brought about first by ‘ perestroika ’ and then by the disintegration of the USSR ; it will then analyse the effect on the developing countries concerned and evaluate the profit and loss account of their economic relations with the Soviet Union ; it will also look at the relevance of these relations to the Soviet economy and that of the constituent republics ; and finally it will try to look at the future prospects of the relationship between the less developed countries and the individual republics of the former Soviet Union .
18 ‘ Any investigation that will honestly look at the facts must find that Article 2 was violated .
19 I wanted to invite Virginia back to the unit to show her what these rationalisations will really mean at the sharp end .
20 The window displaying the ‘ Paint Pot ’ facility will now appear at the right of the screen .
21 Thus the nature of local politics has changed over the post-war period , and we will now look at the way this has been analysed , to see if the debates within the social sciences have kept pace with material change .
22 Using the CRE dodecamer as an example we will now look at the energetics and structural aspects of B I -B II transitions and attempt to answer the question of whether any B II junctions can play a significant role in the solution conformation of this oligomer .
23 We will now look at the stages of entity analysis which are :
24 I will now look at the ridiculousness of The Queen 's Croquet Ground .
25 The paper will then look at the issues that e-mail raises for the creator/receiver , lawyer , historian and records manager/archivist .
26 precisely Mr Chairman if I could answer that the , the , the once the inspector comes back to the Fire Service and reports again and he is due back in June , we will then look at the matters he raises at that time and he will look at the progress report er what , what has happened since his last inspection and then we will have the opportunity to look at what the Inspector has , has to say after his visits , not very far away er , their Chief Officer will go on with this programme
27 Two-year-old Constantin will have his cleft palate repaired and top plastic surgeon Charles Viva will then look at the boy 's deformed hands and feet to see what can be done .
28 The RAF will officially withdraw at the end of July .
29 I will certainly look at the point that my hon. Friend has mentioned .
30 Er , Madam Speaker I 'm very much aware of the case that the my honourable friend has er mentioned because he has written to me er about it and I have looked into the circumstances er of it and I understand that the employment service have made no final decision on that particular site and I 'd be happy to respond to my honourable friend er once I 've had a chance to discuss it further with the Chief Executive of the employment service whose responsibility it is but if I could just say to my honourable friend the principle of integrating er the work of the job centre and the payment of benefits on one site is a good one which is for the convenience of er people who make use of the job centres er and er as er er the honourable er gentleman , the member for Workington is indicating from a sedentary position , was a recommendation which was supported by the public accounts er committee and I believe and I believe that it er makes sense to proceed on a value for money basis with this policy but I will certainly look at the particular example in my honourable friend 's constituency with interest .
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