Example sentences of "will [adv] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The in-bureau tutors will rarely have training as their sole task .
2 It is too simplistic to suggest that by offering improved opportunities in a less restrictive setting , individuals with often severe learning difficulties , frequently additional disabilities , and histories of damaging experiences , will thereby have access to improved , more satisfying life-styles .
3 If I am not held up too much , I will gladly give way to the hon. Gentleman .
4 I will gladly give credit to the unstinting support that the staff of the national health service give to the principles of the NHS .
5 A new nature reserve on the Somerset Levels , near Glastonbury , which will eventually form part of one of the largest and most important wetlands in Europe , has been formally opened by Sir David Attenborough .
6 This database will eventually hold information on all the stratigraphical units ( and their interrelationships ) that are shown on BGS maps .
7 We would not routinely recommend restorative proctocolectomy knowingly for patients with Crohn 's colitis because the failure rate is high and most will eventually develop recurrence of disease in the anal canal or in the small bowel .
8 In this tightly knit situation there can be no escape and what upsets one will eventually cause chaos among all .
9 Pupils with impaired vision will obviously experience difficulty with reading .
10 In assessing a just amount the court will obviously take account of the fact that the plaintiff has incurred or will incur specific expenditure eg private medical treatment ( and see para 1.60 ) .
11 These will be excluded from the new scientific community and will perhaps takes refuge in a philosophy department .
12 Of course not all social security benefits may be regarded as part of the remuneration package — e.g. maternity benefits to a single man — in which case the labour supply curve will only shift part of the way back to its original position .
13 In the absence of any express provisions once employment has ended the law will only protect information within the second class .
14 But the divine message will only bring gloom to the Greens .
15 If it has grown to £447,000 then £300,000 is taxable on her death but if it falls to £247,000 her estate will only pay tax on £100,000 , assuming that the nil rate band did not change .
16 Others certainly did : Metternich remarked , ‘ in the great Confederation , there is arising a smaller union , a status in statu in the full sense of the term , which will only too soon accustom itself to achieve its own ends by its own machinery … and will only pay attention to the objects and machinery of the Confederation insofar as they are compatible with the former ’ .
17 You will only pay interest on what you have actually borrowed .
18 The present unsatisfactory state of the law relating to VAT could mean that VAT paid by the tenant may not be recoverable , and therefore the tenant should consider amending such a provision to provide that it will only pay VAT on such sums where it is first presented with a valid VAT invoice in the tenant 's name .
19 The first is to make use of the rating services and have a rule that , say , you will only deposit money with a triple A bank , ie a bank with a credit rating of AAA .
20 It can have no practical effect and will only divert attention from where it should be pressed by those who feel strongly about it .
21 First , whereas the implied terms relating to goods supplied under a contract of sale , or any other type of supply contract , are classified by statute as conditions , the implied term requiring work to be performed with reasonable skill and care will normally be an intermediate stipulation ( SGSA 1982 , s13 ) so that breach will only justify termination of the contract if the breach is serious or goes to the root of the contract .
22 In future Castle will only make provision for amortisation of audio copyrights for permanent diminution in value .
23 ‘ A renewal of confidence in the UK will only take place through a change in Government policy , ’ he said .
24 Almost all the chemical reactions in the cell such as the provision of energy or the synthesis of key molecules will only take place in the presence of special proteins , known as enzymes , which allow the reactions to occur .
25 Any fiscal measures dampening demand for new cars will only increase unemployment in the motor trade .
26 The second thing is that erm with regard to future pro projects , Regional Railways have decreed , that we will only get work through competitive tender .
27 A standard form of agreement is set out in Appendix I. The essential elements of a confidentiality agreement are an acknowledgment by the purchaser that : ( a ) the existence of the negotiations and all information received relating to the vendor 's business is confidential ; ( b ) the purchaser will maintain the confidentiality and ensure that all persons receiving the information maintain the confidentiality ; ( c ) the purchaser will only use information for assessing its acquisition of the business and for no other purpose ; ( d ) the purchaser will return all the information and either return or destroy all copies if the transaction does not complete .
28 Do not bring the neighbours and family around to see the newborns , as this will only induce stress in the dam which will be passed to the pups .
29 MIPS ' poor first quarter figures — see page three — will only add fuel to these fires .
30 This will greatly increase mortality at the end of the natural lifespan creating an almost rectangular pattern of mortality ( see Figure 3.1 ) .
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