Example sentences of "will [adv] be [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And we ourselves will instinctively be perceived as ‘ anti-Christian ’ , as writers engaged in a fully fledged crusade which pits us , as militant adversaries , against the ecclesiastical establishment — as if we were personally bent on toppling the edifice of Christendom ( and so naive as to think such a feat possible ) .
2 Technical confirmatory tests can be applied to prove cleanliness although they will rarely be used unless determining the relative performance of cleaning agents , or , perhaps , in judging a competition :
3 ‘ He is being given rations of hay which will slowly be increased and hopefully we can cut down on the drugs .
4 But the office will eventually be upgraded and formalised as Porsche Engineering .
5 In the statement Edwards , who has already attracted criticism for placing bolts on Cornish granite , appears to set out his own manifest , which runs entirely counter to the BMC 's adopted policy on bolts and access and forecasts that Land 's End will eventually be seen as having set an example to the nation .
6 Even Japan has given up the fight in some market areas where they used to be world leaders : And even the new industrial nations , in their turn , will eventually be undercut and have to move on : To what ?
7 This will eventually be removed when the works are finished .
8 The vendor should resist assuming that the full earn out will eventually be paid and concentrate instead on the formula and past performance to consider the realistic expectation .
9 Unfortunately life is never simple — the Stores Platoon confirms that they have no Challenger engines in stock and that the next one is not expected for three or four days ; improvisation will obviously be needed if the Blues and Royals are to have all their tanks working .
10 If there is an overall theme to the party this will obviously be used but , if not , then something simple like ‘ pink and white ’ would help .
11 It will perhaps be said that , although there may be no inherent difficulty in establishing criteria of relevance to choices of means , the vagueness of ‘ Be aware ’ for choices of ends reduces it to meaninglessness as our proposed ‘ first principle ’ .
12 However , we believe that the market for biological agents will only be developed if we have a clear understanding of their mode of action .
13 Fault scarps will only be formed where a fault breaks the surface ; they can either die out laterally or merge into a monocline ( Fig. 3.33(A) ) .
14 These workers will only be employed if there is demand for the products they make — for export , from the government or from the employers themselves .
15 National income and employment will only be affected if the fall in the rate of interest causes a rise in investment and , possibly , consumption .
16 It represents a tremendous opportunity and challenge , but these will only be obtained if the development of organisational change and information systems is properly integrated and managed .
17 This circuit is not designed to produce precise daily timings and maximum repeat accuracy will only be obtained if the temperature of the unit is kept reasonably constant .
18 A major limitation is that , generally , an injunction will only be granted if the employer was in fact willing to continue with the contract , ie where the real problem was the prospect of unwelcome interference in the contract by a third party .
19 Leave will only be granted if the appeal involves a point of law of general public importance .
20 The ABI also requests that , in the circular to shareholders , there should be an undertaking that the authority to buy-in will only be exercised if so to do would result in an increase in earnings per share and is in the best interests of shareholders generally .
21 Putting it simply , it will only be beaten if public taste demands so .
22 If he has , they will only be discovered if he is put to the test .
23 A restrictive clause will only be upheld if it is ‘ reasonable ’ from everyone 's viewpoint .
24 The National Curriculum may introduce a greater degree of consistency in respect of subject content , but quality in the way such content is treated will only be achieved if the anomalies at the various levels — LEA support , school curriculum management and development , classroom provision — are attended to .
25 This will only be achieved if the approver 's Name/Password are valid and if that user is not already logged into LIFESPAN ( either interactively , or via PI or PMR ) .
26 They will only be challenged if ‘ it can be shown that the proposed referral is wholly unjustified on clinical grounds , or where an alternative referral would be equally efficacious , taking into account the patient 's wishes ’ .
27 But the beneficial impact of such initiatives will only be felt when the punters start discriminating positively in favour of those taking a lead .
28 Consent to the application of the concession will only be given if an undertaking is given by the grantor of the schemes to notify the Revenue of any changes of ownership or control of : the grantor , the other company which jointly controls the companies concerned with the grantor , the JOC , and any other company to which the group scheme is extended by the concession .
29 Planning permission will only be given if planners can show it would be cheaper to supply the demand rather than reduce it with energy conservation measures .
30 Housing costs will only be covered if claimants are eligible for housing benefit .
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