Example sentences of "will [verb] them [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Ladies and gentlemen , I 'm very grateful to Professor Eppell for his characteristically kind and generous remarks , and erm I accept them all the more readily because I know you will treat them with a healthy degree of scepticism .
2 Next year another cut will bring them to a mere £182m .
3 Jesus our pioneer restores all things and will bring them to a glorious fulfilment .
4 Now how they 're gon na send them I do n't know , but I can assure you they will send them in a hurry .
5 At the very least , Hong Kong are hoping that he will steer them to a vital second place in September 's Asian Rugby Football Tournament in South Korea .
6 They are equally brought up to believe that marriage will provide them with a partner in whom to trust , who will love , protect and respect them .
7 The college believes nurses should be given a pay rise because one in four members are the sole breadwinner in their household and most nurses no longer believe that nursing will provide them with a secure job .
8 This will provide them with an incentive for continuing their education .
9 The Asians will not want to lose ground in the mixed doubles in the build-up to Atlanta and the Belfast match will provide them with an opportunity to test the best in Europe .
10 ‘ It will provide them with an excellent standard , ’ he said .
11 The 11-stone father of three will face them in a series of physical contests .
12 The natives are amenable for all their savage state , and impart their wisdom to us in exchange for fribbling items : a mere hairpin will set them to an ecstasy of delight , for they are like to children and have no metals .
13 Students may enter complex calculations from sources such as passed examination papers and the computer will take them through a solution step by step .
14 Or they may hope that their contribution to the household economy will restore them to a special place in their parents ' affections .
15 Their individual programming of experience will lead them to a different viewpoint of the world and circumstances .
16 we will pay them for a start , that 's that 's the that 's the trouble with a lot other companies and er it would n't be professional of me to mention names , but let me tell you that er that 's one thing we do make sure that people erm get their money when when they 've earned it .
17 A place for all kinds of wildlife to stop off and drink , it will attract them like a magnet .
18 Totemism originated after this to cope with the guilt the brothers felt , for the totem animal will protect them like a father , and they will love it , and not kill it under normal circumstances .
19 Show that forests have a tangible value kept as forests , for example for timber , and countries will manage them for a sustained cash yield .
20 RAIL commuters have protested at timetable changes they claim will leave them with a long wait or walk .
21 and a Services Division , which will support them for a transitional period
22 Ours is a Republic which cares for its citizens , and will support them against a common enemy .
23 A given reduction has a comparatively small proportionate effect upon deposit liabilities ; the same reduction applied to bankers ' deposits ( called ‘ operational balances ’ in table 3.3 ) will reduce them by a very large proportion .
24 That fundamental divide will put them at a permanent disadvantage in endeavours to provide quality services to the citizen .
25 Good to see that they dropped 2 more points yesterday … if we can get a win tomorrow it will put them in a more realistic range , even though kevin keegan said in todays papers that Leeds did n't stand a chance of catching the scum !
26 Pisa here tonight know that a win here in Nottingham tonight will put them in a very strong position indeed in this group er to go on and go through .
27 It will operate them on a non-profit basis .
28 In some industrial marketing situations , suppliers work with buying organisations to solve technical problems in the knowledge that to do so will place them in a very strong negotiating position .
29 Labour will punish them with a vengeance . ’
30 A spokesman said : ‘ The advice from Boeing is that the pins should be checked for wear after 3,000 cycles but we decided we will replace them as a matter of routine when they reach that figure . ’
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