Example sentences of "will [verb] you for the " in BNC.

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1 If your baggage is temporarily lost for longer than 12 hours on the outward journey we will compensate you for the emergency purchase of essential items up to a total of £100 .
2 In complete contrast , nothing will prepare you for the jaw-dropping experience of taking the desert road out of the city for the first time .
3 If this is not easily available , nobody will thank you for the error !
4 This set-up program will prompt you for the directory and hard disk where you want to install Money Smith , then sit back while the program does the rest .
5 A message appears which will prompt you for the following information :
6 A message will appear which will prompt you for the following information : ready archive output volume , reply CUU
7 And if you let me go I will forgive you for the way in which you have just spoken to me . ’
8 You can adopt an ant for £20 — which some people may consider a little extreme , considering a scorpion will sting you for the same amount .
9 The Canvass Form ( or Community Charge Registration Form ) will ask you for the manes and dates of birth of everybody living in the property who will be 18 or over by 1st April 1991 .
10 Now when it asks you for the sample statement , ah done it , right before , it will ask you for the sample statement er over what period would you like to estimate this equation , right instead of pressing the return key which gives you the default , right , if you specify nineteen twenty three to nineteen forty sorry just a a dash between it like that nineteen twenty three space nineteen forty okay it asks you for the number of observations to be used in the structural stability tests , right , erm if you er press the default er if you press the return key then it should give you the maximum number available right five observations in this case right and then it will perform the regression over the entire sample period , those will be the results you obtain , right , it will also er present Chow erm test statistics .
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