Example sentences of "will [verb] [prep] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 All Iris Indigo R4000 configurations will ship in volume in September and the R4000 CPU is available as an upgrade to existing Iris Indigo customers for $9,000 .
2 The CPRE hopes ’ The Lost Land ’ report will sting decision-makers and planners into action — otherwise , it argues , much more countryside will disappear under concrete in the next forty-five years .
3 The conclusion then is that the greater the volume of NBFI activity , the greater the range of products , the more substitutes will exist for money in its precautionary and asset roles .
4 Any inability to carry the weight on the hind-legs will trigger off resistance in the mouth .
5 " A day may come — I do not say it will come , but that it may — when bands of Englishmen from the Tweed to the Tamar , sickened by the prevarications of the capitalists and by the continued infiltration of Celtic elements into English life , will arise with guns in their hands .
6 Although no specific provision is made by the rules it can be anticipated that a practice of serving supplementary or additional witness statements will arise in cases in which the evidence can not be finally settled at an early stage , a paradigm example being personal injury cases in which there may be a permanent or continuing disability or a slow recovery .
7 The Act is due to be " re-authorised " later this year , although it will remain in force in any case until 1993 .
8 Some of these we will discuss in detail in Chapter 5 .
9 So the pragmatist judge will behave like Earl in Elmer 's case only if he has an indirect , noble-lie reason for pretending that legislative intentions are relevant .
10 It will concentrate on developments in telecommunications--widely judged to be a sector of crucial infrastructural significance to the development of advanced industrial economies .
11 The study will concentrate on competitiveness in domestic product markets , using trade press surveys of available products and their specifications , and trade source estimates of market shares .
12 The proportion of demand will fall from 25% in 1983 to 22% in the year 2000 .
13 The Treasury reckons that , after climbing 8.75% in real terms last year , fixed business investment will fall by 1% in 1990 .
14 The verbal instructions are important — they will act as reminders in the days following the lesson and help the pupil to inhibit his natural tendency to slip back into the old habits .
15 Lloyd George is out of the running for some time and I suppose Herbert Samuel will act as leader in the House of Commons .
16 The next trade mission , arranged for July , will focus on opportunities in Western Siberia , one of the main oil and gas producing regions in former Soviet territory .
17 ‘ There goes all I will know of God in life , ’ she once said of him .
18 The company will be managed so that the ordinary shares will qualify for inclusion in a general personal equity plan .
19 But perhaps the key aspect that will appeal to doctors in considering DRGS is their contribution to medical audit .
20 The Queen of the Night is good at ‘ house-hunting ’ and knows almost immediately whether she will feel at ease in a particular abode .
21 The findings will contribute to improvements in the effectiveness of health education materials concerned with substance abuse .
22 Education authorities should select those schools which will benefit from participation in a Compact .
23 Education authorities should select those schools which will benefit from participation in a Compact .
24 Labour will ensure that these services are in place before patients who will benefit from life in the community are transferred out of long-term hospital care .
25 Geologist will benefit from year in London
26 At the January 6 meeting of the circle , Veronica Lawler will speak about CAFOD in Indo China .
27 He will speak on slavery in ant colonies .
28 The Minister for the Environment and Countryside is no longer here — I make no criticism of him for that — but I listened to his opening remarks , and I know that he will speak to colleagues in Brussels .
29 The faith of Greenfield , Hildyard and Olson in the consequences of the particular literacy practices which they describe will appear as faith in the particular social conventions within which such practice became established .
30 More generally , as linguistic stability consists in agreement on patterns of variation and on the social functions of the variants , linguistic change will appear as changes in agreement : as older patterns of agreement recede , so new patterns of agreement will emerge , and in the interim stage there may be some apparent randomness ( or lack of agreement , or conflicting patterns ) in the distribution of variants .
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