Example sentences of "will [verb] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Students studying part-time , and by definition receiving no grant , will graduate on completion of the programme of study planned and agreed between the student and his or her personal tutor .
2 The Government 's commitment to a positive reform of the law will weaken in view of the apparent lack of consensus .
3 All Iris Indigo R4000 configurations will ship in volume in September and the R4000 CPU is available as an upgrade to existing Iris Indigo customers for $9,000 .
4 The CPRE hopes ’ The Lost Land ’ report will sting decision-makers and planners into action — otherwise , it argues , much more countryside will disappear under concrete in the next forty-five years .
5 Three soldiers will testify at inquest on IRA deaths
6 The conclusion then is that the greater the volume of NBFI activity , the greater the range of products , the more substitutes will exist for money in its precautionary and asset roles .
7 Any inability to carry the weight on the hind-legs will trigger off resistance in the mouth .
9 claims will arise for extensions of time and money .
10 " A day may come — I do not say it will come , but that it may — when bands of Englishmen from the Tweed to the Tamar , sickened by the prevarications of the capitalists and by the continued infiltration of Celtic elements into English life , will arise with guns in their hands .
11 Any assets in respect of which significant allowable losses will arise on disposal to Newco should , before the sale to Newco , be transferred on an intra-group basis within the vendor 's capital gains tax group to a group company with chargeable gains against which to set the losses .
12 Although no specific provision is made by the rules it can be anticipated that a practice of serving supplementary or additional witness statements will arise in cases in which the evidence can not be finally settled at an early stage , a paradigm example being personal injury cases in which there may be a permanent or continuing disability or a slow recovery .
13 But seriously , vacancies will arise from time to time in all areas within the company .
14 There are other arguments that have been made along the same general lines , to the effect that to capture regular processes ( e.g. syntactic regularities ) one must refer to pragmatic concepts ( see e.g. Ross , 1975 ) , arguments that will arise from time to time in the Chapters below .
15 Lyneham will remain on standby for as long as necessary .
16 My painting will remain on show for the next 10 weeks of the summer .
17 But if no offer proves satisfactory to Rosenthal he will remain at Anfield on a week-to-week contract .
18 Therefore responsibility for External Verification will remain with SCOTVEC for the time being .
19 Mr Shute is assuming the chairmanship of Ross from Ross Marks , the company 's 37-year-old founder , who will remain as chairman of the consumer electronics operations and a director of the group .
20 The move follows the establishment of a branch office in Sofia earlier this month , and Frantzen will remain as head of local operations .
21 However , this does not mean that they will become invalid — they will remain as evidence of achievement in their own right .
22 But George Bartlett , QC , for the NGC , said : ‘ The inquiry 's time and cost would not be saved , because whether or not we express a preference for one of them , they will remain as alternatives before the secretary of State .
23 The recent Autumn Statement from the National Heritage Ministry included the announcement that none of the proposed restoration options will be taken up , and that the monument will remain under wraps for the foreseeable future .
24 Unix growth in Germany and Spain will remain above average throughout the period , with Netherlands , Sweden , Norway and Finland below the mark .
25 The aircraft will remain in France until mid-March 1992 when it is anticipated that there will be sufficient snow to continue training in England !
26 Will my hon. Friend assure the House that they will remain in service for many years to come , unlike the scenario if the Liberal Democrats were ever to implement their 50 per cent .
27 Instead , Winterbottom , England 's record-breaking flanker , will remain in London with two aims in mind .
28 She is expected to make a full recovery but will remain in hospital for at least two weeks .
29 The solution lies within the Tory Party , which will remain in power for another four years and so has a duty to revive and spur the nation towards the next millenium .
30 MORE than 14,000 shoppers have backed a campaign to support Sunday trading but the issue will remain in deadlock for another three weeks , it was revealed yesterday .
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