Example sentences of "would have [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All the indications were that by the end of 1991 the Soviet economy would have registered a severe , possibility catastrophic deterioration .
2 After discreet soundings , they prudently abandoned the idea , which would have involved a major encroachment upon judicial independence .
3 A philadelphia intellectual , Benjamin Franklin , back in his native land after a prolonged and enjoyable period in England , put down a statement of the need for political union which the conference accepted , but the colonial assemblies then rejected this plan for common defence , probably because it would have involved a good deal of extra spending .
4 This proposal would have involved a different , immensely complicated , and , for suspects , terrifying new caution which could easily fatally have undermined the whole rule .
5 The other path that he might have followed would have involved a direct appeal to the French people to support his constitutional views .
6 The project would have involved the clear-felling of 800,000 hectares of tropical forest and its replacement by eucalyptus plantations .
7 To attempt to calculate the cost for the long-stay psychogeriatric wards in the particular hospitals in the project would have involved an observational study of all the staff who had an input , for example doctors , nurses , occupational therapists , social workers , community psychiatric nurses , etc to see how much time they spent directly with the patients in the long-stay wards and how much time they spent indirectly in work connected with these patients such as in case conferences , meetings , administrative work , telephone calls and so on .
8 US President George Bush on July 31 , 1989 , vetoed a bill passed by Congress which would have set restrictions on the joint development of the FSX fighter , Japan 's next generation of attack aircraft [ see p. 36619 ; 36651 ] , on the grounds that joint development would have enabled the Japanese to overtake US technological superiority in aerospace and would have provided the means whereby Japan could develop its own commercial aircraft .
9 The Haifa Bay route would have constituted a serious disruption as it passed overland through intensively developed urban and farming areas to the Jordan Valley , destroying property and agricultural land .
10 The presence of such ‘ advisers ’ would have constituted a severe infringement of China 's political autonomy .
11 If not detected and corrected this error would have priced the said products out of the market .
12 If not detected and corrected this error would have priced the said products out of the market .
13 Once a femur or a forearm would have played a pure note if you 'd used one for a pipe , but the pieces would whistle harsh and offkey now from the holes bored into them by the efficient mandibles of her companions in the vertical grave , the cenote where they placed her after the battle , during the truce .
14 These bronze fastenings protrude through the keel and would have secured the main station frames of the hull .
15 He walked into a Ladbrokes betting shop at Hexham , Northumberland , six days later and demanded his winnings , unaware that the payout for the bet would have totalled a staggering £3,826,470,000,000,000 .
16 Classic Maya civilization appears to have collapsed some 600 years before the Spanish conquest of Central America , but even if it had survived it seems inevitable that the Maya obsession with time would have remained a historical curiosity with no influence on the modern world .
17 First he would have pushed a strong diversionary force at Charleroi , then , when the allies moved to defend Brussels from the south , he would have launched the real attack to the west .
18 In short , the ration book would have become a national institution like the council house .
19 Had Everton lost , then there is no doubt that the mutterings of discontent around Goodison Park would have become an audible cry challenging Kendall 's leadership .
20 IF DAVID HOCKNEY had been born in 1837 instead of 1937 , he would have become an Olympian rather than a Californian .
21 If the hon. Gentleman had participated in our debates in Committee , he would have heard a wide range of differing views and opinions expressed by the various parties in Northern Ireland — and , to some extent , by people within the same party .
22 The streets may not have been nearly so safe as nostalgia for ‘ Old England ’ suggests , but it is likely that if working-class youths had been firing off guns throughout London , then we would have heard a little bit more about the matter .
23 The attentive listener present at the English coronation of Henry VI in 1429 would have heard the young king being exhorted to avenge injustices ( ‘ ulciscaris iniusta ’ ) and to be ‘ the powerful defender of his country … triumphant over the enemy ’ ( ‘ sit fortissimus protector patrie … triumphator hostium ’ ) .
24 If the hon. Gentleman had been in earlier , he would have heard the hon. Member for Harrow , East ( Mr. Dykes ) saying that last week he had attended a debate on this subject in the Bundestag .
25 However this was not a material irregularity ; the Court had heard the tape and had the jury done so , it would have confirmed their views , expressed in the verdict of guilty , because they would have heard the gruff , bass voice of the appellant , as described by the victim in his evidence , and any lingering hesitation they might have felt would have been dispelled .
26 Perhaps , to be a little facetious , an ancestral insect that looked only 5 per cent like a turd would have fooled an ancestral bird with only 5 per cent vision .
27 Given the rambling terms of reference , and the clash of opinion between its members as to how they should be interpreted , the Commission would have faced a bumpy ride at the best of times .
28 Gooch would have faced a maximum 10-year jail sentence if he had been charged with causing death by dangerous driving — a new offence introduced in April .
29 Gascoigne and his colleagues would have faced a fierce backlash had Lazio lost to bitter local rivals Roma in the Olympic Stadium .
30 Cameron would have faced a High Court sentence had it not been for his good record , the sheriff added .
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