Example sentences of "would be made [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A video would be made of a lesson and then in theory the teacher and their tutor or ‘ friendly critic ’ would watch the recording together .
2 US-based banks ( in New York ) would lend more dollars externally and greater use would be made of the New York bond market .
3 They predicted that when a subject 's attention was on the actor a situation would be described using an active , whereas when attention was on the acted-upon ( the recipient of action ) , greater use would be made of the passive .
4 Provision would be made for the possible transfer of other functions at a later date , ( e.g. The assessments of means , decisions on the grant of criminal legal aid , and at least some of the determinations of bills now carried out in the courts ) .
5 Under its terms provision would be made for the repatriation of refugees , and some control of local and regional affairs would be conferred on the Tuaregs .
6 Contracts would be made on a competitive basis with the hospital providing the ‘ best buy ’ .
7 Any such payment would be made on an ex gratia basis and would not imply any admission of liability .
8 This was Britain 's worst air tragedy , and whilst this can not be classified as an accident in the usual sense of the word , there were calls for greater airport security , and considerable concern over whether a warning that an attack would be made on an American airliner had not been passed onto the public because a drop in seat sales would occur .
9 ‘ The Bolsheviks were worried that a rescue attempt would be made on the Alexander Palace .
10 They doubted whether valid measures of all of the areas of development could be devised ; they maintained that the tests used would have a distorting and trivializing effect on pupils ' learning ( 'this year 's test becomes next year 's curriculum' ) : they pointed to the possibility , notwithstanding the assurances that light sampling techniques would be deployed , that superficial comparisons would be made on the basis of inadequate evidence between areas and between schools ; and they detected in the paraphernalia of mass testing associated with the APU the most sinister intrusion of central government into the work of the schools and the spectre of state-controlled curricula .
11 As well as giving him moral ascendancy over the rest of the company , driving himself to exhaustion might also cloud critical judgement , so that comments would be made on the effort that had gone into the show rather than on its quality . )
12 The defendant , a Greek bank of the private sector , had announced a public open competition for hiring of male and female employees , specifying that appointments would be made on the basis of separate lists of successful candidates , according to sex and marks obtained .
13 The introductions would be made on the coach .
14 Most deals over three months would be made with a CD due to their greater flexibility in that the depositor can gain back the deposit by selling the CD in the secondary market .
15 Patients ' needs after discharge from hospital would be monitored ( separate arrangements would be made with the community health unit and hospital to assess referrals from those sources ) .
16 The presentation would be made at a Divisional Meeting in due course .
17 The change would be made at an emergency general meeting in North Wales on September 19 .
18 The famous social scientist , D. T. Campbell , once proposed a more naturalistic experiment , in which scores of towns would be selected and formed into two groups at random , the newspapers in each town would be persuaded to take part in the experiment by publishing phoney articles about the state of candidates , and comparisons would be made at the end between the two groups of towns ( Campbell 1951 ) .
19 A Scotland Yard spokeswoman said no comment would be made about the filofax theft in Northern Ireland .
20 A distinction would be made between the deserving and the undeserving poor .
21 Here we assess the importance of these contacts , and also of contacts that would be made between the C-helices of the protein and DNA in a previous model of the complex , by studying mutations aimed at disrupting them .
22 Peter Brooke , the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland , said no major changes would be made to the UDR , in spite of the demands from the Irish government for a thorough review of its role .
23 The White Paper working paper on funding and contracts for hospital services envisages three broad classes of contract ; block contracts , under which the GP or DHA would pay the hospital an annual fee in return for access to a defined range of services ; cost and volume contracts , under which hospitals would receive a sum in respect of a baseline level of activity , defined in terms of a given number of treatments or cases , and cost per case contracts , where payment would be made to the hospital on a case by case basis , without any prior commitment of either party to the volume of cases which might be so dealt with .
24 Thereupon we all agreed solemnly that it was a private matter and that no announcement would be made to the press .
25 Mr McNally said a bail application would be made to the High Court on Friday .
26 The Colorado majority in the December elections was expected to guarantee that no changes would be made to the new law .
27 A call by the Federation of Niger Trade Unions ( USTN ) for a general strike " in defence of democracy " was widely observed on March 2 but was called off on March 3 following government pledges that no political concessions would be made to the mutineers .
28 On Dec. 26 , in an address to the nation , Ukrainian Premier Leonid Kuchma announced that direct payments would be made to the poorest members of society to protect them against the worst effects of the price rises .
29 Godfrey McIvor , Central Region 's education convener , expressed disappointment at the parent ballot , and said a strong case would be made to the Scottish Secretary to keep St Mary 's in local authority control .
30 Delors instead proposed a " tree " with " branches " where decisions would be made through the EC institutions .
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