Example sentences of "would be on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Using a new set of genuine Thomas Leavy documents based on his legal name change — the last thing he supposed the Federal authorities would be on the lookout for — Coleman then slipped back into the States , via Canada , for what he felt in his bones was probably the last time he would see his father and his country .
2 And Rathbone would be on the case , with his bloodhound and magnifying glass .
3 I had already decided that my degree thesis would be on the life of this underrated painter from Milan .
4 And the next fortnight I would be on the afternoon shift , which meant getting the same distance , to half past two to work till They were eight hour shifts you see and the night shift likewise had to come a very er a tremendous number from working at the Ford Motor Company at Dagenham ev even in those days , travel from various places .
5 As I understand the matter , there could be a fair number of such voyages , and the only basis for charge would be on the cost to the employer , and in the example that we are considering that would be very small .
6 He explained that in each case ( including that of teachers ) the charge would be on the cost to the employer of providing the services and that in each case that cost would either be nil or very small .
7 In less than an hour 's time they would be at St Petrock 's , and Susan would be on the platform to meet her , with dear old Sambo , the Airedale , barking his head off with glee .
8 A large number of dogs who end up in the rescue homes would be on the vet 's euthanasia list if they 'd had different owners .
9 On paper , however , the vessels would be on the order of the United States , enabling Israel to receive American financing and circumventing West German export restrictions .
10 It appeared that , without changes in policy , Britain would be on the way to racial suicide .
11 After five years ' work , Olivier was certain of only two things : that the population , even at the highest estimate , was by no means enough to ensure the eventual survival of the species ; and that the figures henceforward would be on the way down rather than up .
12 Nenna had no more than an animal 's sense of direction and distance , but it seemed to her that the right thing to do would be to try to reach the City , then , once she got to Blackfriars , she knew where the river was , and though that would be Lambeth Reach or King 's Reach , a long way downstream of the boats , still , once she had got to the river she would be on the way home .
13 That is the problem erm in so far as initially er we felt that it that that the onus would be on the individual , I E if it 's a short term stay car park they would not use it .
14 Yeah I worked out what this would be on the scale .
15 I wondered what the Guardian headlines would be on the day of the Second Coming .
16 No , she said , I 've been there yesterday , but er I lost a brooch , and I wish you would be on the look out for it .
17 In other words , we would deal with applications as they come forward on an ad hoc basis where the onus onus would be on the developer to prove er prove exceptional circumstances .
18 What you 've got to rea no what you got to realise is the most obvious place for somebody would be on the bed but we could n't see anybody on the bed so the only other place is under the bed .
19 Well you say the most obvious place would be on the bed , if I may respectfully agree with you , also there actually was a rather fat eleven year old girl on the bed .
20 Right but then I suppose that you could say that it 's the idea of the balm cake which it would be on the level of the , in , in intellect
21 In the morning the visitors would be on the quay to see them return , slip neatly into a mooring and begin the unloading and selling of the night 's catch .
22 For instance , should a farmer require some fencing , he knew that Mr. Green would be on the edge of the pavement at the right hand corner of The Market House — a position that Green 's had occupied over generations .
23 I started sending out a ‘ ten , thirty — three ’ , the Citizen Band S.O.S. , on channel 1 but I knew that by the time I got through all 40 channels , Danny 's truck would be on the Motorway and we would lose it .
24 As a QANTAS flight was due to come through the following day , they hoped that Koepang W/T would be on the air before their arrival at Timor .
25 When the girl at the reception desk discovered that I would be leaving early in the morning , she insisted on refunding £2 , since I would be on the road before she arrived to cook breakfast .
26 It 's quite true that er wheels from subsidiaries in Dagenham and bodies would be on the road inside two hours of having left another factory because they were on the same industrial site .
27 Oh they just There would always be somebody would be on the road at any time looking for harvest time and my father would say to someone , tell the McGregors We called them that time , so the McGregors came up went tell told the others .
28 January 1989 brought another Friday 13th so I was sure one of us would be on the move .
29 Charlie would be on the move for most of the night , supervising , troubleshooting , bringing back cash from the tills to be counted and put into the safe , but there was no regular pattern to it and he was liable to show up in his office at any time .
30 The Australian captain also suggested that the number of umpires be increased from two to three , though only two would be on the pitch at one time .
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