Example sentences of "would be hold on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Drawn up by a panel of civilian and military experts , the charter was to remain in force for a 30-month interim period , at the end of which a referendum would be held on a new constitution for Chad .
2 The off , all officers of the club should be elected at the A G M , which would be held on a .
3 Word went out to the people of the surrounding area that a conventicle would be held on the muir early on the Sunday morning .
4 They agreed future extradition arrangements for fugitive criminals , and decided that talks would be held on the creation of a final Court of Appeal .
5 The Moslem President of Bosnia-Hercevgovina , Alija Izetbegovic , protested at the holding of the meeting which he saw as unrepresentative and as a move to split Moslems in the republic , and on Aug. 16 he announced that a referendum would be held on the future of Bosnia-Hercegovina at a date to be determined by Bosnia 's parliament .
6 The four parties agreed to reconvene having received assurances from UK Prime Minister John Major and UK Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock that talks would be held on the same basis whatever the outcome of the general election .
7 It was also possible that a national referendum would be held on the package , an option which the leader of the opposition Liberal Party at federal level , Jean Chretien , strongly supported , but on which the Mulroney government remained uncommitted .
8 Prunskiene , on the other hand , claimed that in a telephone conversation later on June 26 Gorbachev had assured her that negotiations would be held on an " inter-state " basis , implying equality between the negotiating parties .
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