Example sentences of "would be [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the old days they would be feeding the poor at the castle gate .
2 It was on the tip of his tongue to observe that Burun was no more or less trustworthy than he had ever been , but he realised suddenly that he would be stating the obvious .
3 And in a jiffy you would be in the garden , and in another jiffy you would be through the front gate , and in yet another jiffy you would be exploring the marvellous Forest of Sin all by yourself .
4 The statutes of Eurom , as the body would be known in abbreviation , stated that its main objective would be to represent the legal , social and cultural interests of the Europe 's 10,000,000 Romanies .
5 One possible solution would be to represent the relative influences of each analyser as a set of numerical weightings .
6 The first move of a Government committed to re-establishing full employment comprehensively would be to initiate a rolling programme of moving Civil Service jobs from areas of high employment , mainly in the South , to those of high unemployment , predominantly in the North .
7 Bukharin rejected this since he argued that to do so would be to disregard the historical character of the dictatorship of the proletariat .
8 One way would be to form a holding company to which both banks would issue shares in proportion to their shareholders ' funds .
9 To call this a ‘ life ’ cycle would be to beg an important question , but it is a cycle of a sort , and it shares with true life cycles the ability to initiate cumulative selection .
10 The likely effect of the additional tax would be to reverse the general direction of our increasingly motor-dependent patterns of activity , with all its attendant problems .
11 Article 6 has never been implemented and it is highly unlikely that it would be used in this way , especially as the consequence would be to release the offending State from those Charter principles that were not deemed to be customary international law .
12 The DHAC announced that the exercise would be repeated the following weekend ; although the police warned that they would have to intervene this time , the demonstration went ahead and was extended to forty-eight hours .
13 My advice would be to telephone the genito-urinary clinic at your local hospital , or elsewhere if you prefer , and make an appointment for a check-up ( no doctor 's letter needed ) .
14 Other people in the public eye would be reading the first seven , and his grandfather the ninth .
15 Floella is a visitor and would be owed the common duty of care .
16 After the main battle , A Squadron 's tasks would be to harass the retreating enemy forces and signal bombing targets to the RAF .
17 On the other hand , they would have been inspired by the promise that they , as loyal adherents of the Messiah , would be granted a unique recompense for their fidelity and for any suffering they had incurred .
18 The EFTA countries , the richest countries in Europe as a group , would be granted a privileged relationship in return for a full share in the burden of supporting the economic development of Eastern and Southern Europe .
19 Moreover he persuaded his father to agree that if the terms imposed on the rebels last summer were not acceptable to them now — as obviously they were not — then they would be granted a fresh hearing in the King 's court .
20 Conversely , we could decide the question of whether a motorway should be built solely by considering whether landowners , whose property is to be acquired , will be properly compensated ; but to do so would be to ignore a large number of other important interests .
21 But that would be to ignore the taken-for-granted causal-corrective argument of left idealism : that ruling-class crime , like so-called working-class crime , can only be eliminated by the transition to socialism ; anything else would be useless tinkering .
22 To do so , however , would be to ignore the awkward problem of adequate representation for minority interests .
23 To deny the importance of the family as a source of care would be to ignore the accumulated evidence of several decades .
24 After the hearing in Yorkshire yesterday he said would be lodging the same application for a murder charge summons at the county court in the Tony Bland 's home town .
25 But , indeed , the whole general effect is to divorce Resident Tutors from the WEA ; the Resident Tutor would be excluded from urban areas , while on the other hand the WEA would be to say the least of it extremely circumscribed in rural areas .
26 He warned that the overall effect would be to drive the public back on to overcrowded roads .
27 As Faye 's private nurse , she would be filling an important position , and her professionalism or lack of it could make the difference between a healthy baby and another tragic loss .
28 One possible remedy would be to employ a time-varying parameter technique in estimation as in Browne and McNellis ( 1990 ) .
29 Later in the day we received instructions that Sir Robert and his party would be leaving the following morning .
30 At the Prague embassy on Saturday night , cheers greeted the news that the refugees would be leaving the same night as Mr Genscher .
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