Example sentences of "would not [verb] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 I tell you there ai n't nothing he would not do for that football club .
2 It would not do for some occupant of the house to look out of the window and actually see one walking across the lawn .
3 He wanted them to gather last Friday and be absented from their weekend round of Championship matches , but even Albert Ferrasse , the autocratic French Federation president , would not stand for that .
4 And he , Alexander Augustus Hope , Colonel , at your service , gentlemen , would not stand for another coarse word in her presence , DID THEY HEAR ?
5 Americans " would not stand for this much longer .
6 Back at the Military Port in Marchwood , the working day for the remainder of the regiment would not start for another hour and a half .
7 He wanted desperately to forget himself and who he was , or had hoped to be ; now , there was little hope , for the money he had carefully set aside for his expected purposes would not last for another year , and he had no employment .
8 All the same , I would expect and ( I anticipate ) receive agreement from the Chancellor to two propositions : first , I would wish the ‘ real ’ budget to be maintained , though I would not argue for any test of ‘ reality ’ other than the rough and ready conventional scale used for measuring inflation ; and secondly , I would seek to agree a modest and gradual increase in that ‘ real ’ budget .
9 She would not ask for any further exchange of nuclear information , but she must be released from her obligation not to use the knowledge she already possessed in seeking collaboration with other partners .
10 She would not jump for any of the others , not even Nutty .
11 The foreman of the drilling crew said they would not work for any company that is in dispute with the local people .
12 she would not fight for any more .
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