Example sentences of "would become a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Would becoming a European business alter the scale of the targets in our plans ?
2 When he was offered the Rangers job , he told his estranged wife that there was no way he would become a sterotypical manager ‘ working all hours and driving myself crazy ’ .
3 With a wife and child to support he would become a new man .
4 The long silence that followed would become a familiar feature of night raids filled with uncertainty and pregnant with disaster .
5 ‘ Should any ‘ special inspection ’ or ‘ sanctions ’ be imposed on us … it would become a dangerous train plunging the whole territory , both North and South , into the scourge of war , ’ the official Workers Party newspaper declared in a commentary .
6 Williams had gone to take up a post at Howard University , where at the age of 28 , he began what would become a meteoric rise through the halls of academia , ( Associate Professor in 1946 , at the age of 35 ) .
7 But he was studying what he wanted to know , and would become a rich farmer in time .
8 Lester had discovered an actor whom he admired and believed would become a major star .
9 But truthfully , none of the Holy Trinity really imagined , in their wildest dreams , that things would go this well , that Enya would become a major world star , with her records selling in vast quantities throughout the world .
10 If this could be rephrased objectively it would become a helpful goal within the ABA model .
11 In the 1950s , it seemed as if there might be a place for literature in the academy , so that the writing of fiction or poetry , of criticism , and the teaching of literature would become a unified form of life .
12 Samuel arrived in Algeciras late in 1939 , after a journey of three months , not long after General Franco announced that Tangier would become a Spanish territory .
13 If he did nothing more he would still retain his fee simple , but he would have deprived himself of the right to present possession and enjoyment of the land ; his estate would become a future estate , which would again become a present estate , an ‘ estate in possession ’ , only when the smaller estate , the ‘ particular estate ’ which had been carved out of it , came to an end .
14 A recruit of eighteen years old was unthinkable ; he would become a puissant man but only a runt among his superhuman peers .
15 As for the Tutorial Classes Committee , Jacques would become a joint Secretary of the RAC , a particularly difficult sticking point for officers of the Cambridge Board .
16 The campaign of the 2/2 Independent Company on Timor island would become a classic guerrilla campaign .
17 We all decided he would become a famous artist .
18 Paris would become a European capital to which all would look with envy and a desire to emulate its splendours .
19 She never dreamed that I would become a managing director !
20 No sooner than formally constituted , the Standard reported the links would become a great boom to the town , although before January 1907 was out , a Leader article read as follows , ( doubtless written by either Charles Luker or a member of the Club Committee ) — ‘ It is to be hoped that a commencement of the projected new golf links at Henley will not be long delayed .
21 But for most states and governments the crucial question was whether Britain would become a committed member of any European organisation .
22 Hot fusion budgets on the line ; tritium production for weapons ; India believing that test-tube fusion would become a classified secret in the West .
23 Deemed to have been a great success , the HAA indicated that this sort of event would become a regular part of their work — being an extension of their long declared task , to increase the fund of knowledge relating to the operation and display of historic aircraft .
24 When Roe won for the first time at the Catalan Open in 1989 , it was predicted that he would become a regular winner on Tour .
25 Ranald fetched his harp , and he sang a story of a great selkie , one of the seal people , who loved a land maiden but warned her that if she took their son away from him , the baby would kill him when he grew up ; but in fear that her child would become a wild selkie himself she stole the baby and reared him inland as a normal man .
26 Russia had already announced , on Nov. 22 , that Vneshekonombank ( Soviet bank for foreign economic affairs ) , named as the body responsible for co-ordinating debt repayment in October [ see p. 38537 ] , would become a commercial bank under Russian control from Dec. 15 and Gosbank would lie under the control of the Russian Central Bank , until the creation of a banking union between the republics .
27 The vital grab at a mouse with sharp claws extended would become a useless gesture .
28 It would become a magic talisman .
29 John Major , the Foreign Secretary , said in another BBC interview that nothing had changed since the EC Madrid summit last June : Britain would become a full member of the European Monetary System ( EMS ) when inflation fell to ‘ the approximate rate ’ of European competitors , and when France and Italy abolished exchange controls .
30 In time , beach reconnaissance would become a scientific study of landing areas and their immediate hinterland — the littoral across which Nigel Clogstoun-Willmott 's men would lead raiders and the van of invasions , guiding the landing craft crews with marker canoes and other devices that in part at least made up for these flotillas ' limited experience of coastal navigation .
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