Example sentences of "would have [been] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Somebody would 've been drunk that night you see , half past nine at night , thought it was a good trick .
2 Along the riverside , hay would have been cropped several times through the summer , and then , at the end of the summer , the animals who had been on the fallow would be turned on to both the meadowland and the stubble of the arable before coming into the paddocks by the village over the winter , to be stall-fed on the hay cut from the meadow .
3 She told him her perfume came all the way from Hollywood , in America , where she herself would have been living these last nine years if only Frankie 's birth had not robbed her of the life of glamour and excitement she deserved .
4 This clearly might have been proceeded against as an affray , and counsel 's argument before the Court of Appeal appears to have been that once violence had actually been used , the proper course would have been to charge that offence .
5 This was a one-off film for Chaplin and he was well aware that to have sustained that role and that theme would have been to sacrifice much of his great following and to have become an artist with a more sectional support .
6 They reckoned then that anything in the river would have been sent half way across to Norway so that put paid to that search .
7 Had butterflies been colour-blind and bees without a delicate sense of smell , man would have been denied some of the greatest delights that the natural world has to offer .
8 I had a fleeting thought of what fun it would have been to do this trip with Rosemary .
9 It is widely believed that if Labour 's national executive had acted on his report in the mid-1970s about the need to root out Militant Tendency from within the party , then the movement would have been saved all the subsequent turmoil in the 1980s , by which time Militant had gained a grip .
10 ‘ Another smile like the one you were giving him and he would have been fastening that ribbon himself .
11 I mean can I just return to what Queenie Warley said about the rents , because basically what she said was the conservative view on council house rents was that yes they had to go up because the Government decreed they had to go up , that they would have put them up earlier so people would have been paying more for longer , and the phasing that they 're suggesting now what she did n't point out is that under the Conservative proposal people would finish up paying even higher rents than they will have to pay this year .
12 A question that puzzled some followers of Zarathustra in later times was that , if Ohrmazd was all-powerful and so destined to overthrow Ahriman , why did this not happen immediately , so that the world would have been spared all the suffering caused by the conflict between them ?
13 We would have been spared this ! ’
14 His reason for looking after Lennie would have been to get more money from collecting all of Lennie 's .
15 To have insisted would have been to demand more details about Montaine , and more explanations about their love , than I was entitled to .
16 The Review Panel would have had to try to persuade the court that complying with FRED 1 failed to give a true and fair view , and it would have been presenting this argument at the same time that companies generally were being compelled to comply with FRS 3 ( a not fundamentally revised version of FRED 1 ) in order to give a true and fair view .
17 If the path had crossed this line then a clear surface would have been encountered some distance below the clouds .
18 Better practice would have been to discharge such a patient on a Monday and monitor her progress daily , to forestall a weekend crisis .
19 You may have already decided what sort of walking boots to buy , but the shop assistant will , with barely disguised contempt , correct you , telling you how foolish you would have been to buy such footwear , how lucky it was you came here first , and convincing you that for only an extra £65 you can have the boot you really need .
20 When the Civil Service proceeded to the first comprehensive retirement programme in the 1850s , the justification for imposing the cowardly administrative convenience of an age barrier was how invidious it would have been to attempt any form of assessment .
21 I do n't believe that with any union this company would have been cracked any quicker .
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