Example sentences of "would have [vb pp] he [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Of course if Adam had invited his parents to make themselves at home at Wyvis Hall , use it as a hotel , while he was away , they would have lent him any amount , but that was the last thing Adam would have done .
2 One might suppose that this statesmanship would have gained him international acclaim .
3 But if she 'd wanted to she could easily have told him something that would have stopped him dead in his tracks .
4 He smiled for a long moment into the raging eyes that would have struck him dead if they could .
5 Maybe her love would have kept him alive .
6 I should have thought it would have kept him busy until nine or later .
7 Only cynics would have called him stick-in-the-mud or sneered at him being ‘ worthy ’ .
8 If unemployed , the scale would have given him 5s ( 25p ) a week .
9 Well if he had X to the seventh that would have given him seven X to the sixth
10 Dowd had stayed out of the Retreat all the time he 'd waited for Godolphin ( a wearisome three days ) even though it would have given him some measure of protection against the bitter cold .
11 The check would have given him more control over the hammers and the freedom to play more powerfully than he had done in 1777 , without making the piano jangle .
12 warm water , and then put Savlon cream on it , vet said you could n't have done any better , cos he gave him an antidote , before I new what it was I would have given him funny itching rash that was making the poor soul
13 ‘ Father , ’ said Tutilo , burning into startling whiteness , ‘ I pledge you my faith I never did nor never would have done him any harm , nor do I know of any who might need to wish him ill .
14 You would have eaten him alive . ’
15 In his memoirs he admitted that he had secretly aspired to it for decades , but had not pressed the issue for tactical reasons ( because it would have made him vulnerable to the charge of Bonapartism and perhaps also , as Debré argued in his memoirs , because popular election of the president in the circumstances of 1958 would have placed a majority of votes in the hands of the peoples of the French Community ) .
16 It would have made him unable to race . ’
17 If nothing else , the appearance of the terrace , arranged like a huge bed , would have told him that .
18 The timing of this rejection was unfortunate for Franco , for nothing would have suited him better than to have been able to announce Spanish membership of the international winners ' club on the morning of the ninth anniversary of the 18 July rising .
19 One which would have left him rich and me in possession of Sleet .
20 Doyle , he suspected , would have respected him more if he had occasionally been less accommodating .
21 It would have taken him all day even if they 'd had enough tarmac in the back of the pickup !
22 And the body of the Cid was prepared after this manner : first it was embalmed and anointed as the history hath already recounted , and the virtue of the balsam and myrrh was such that the flesh remained firm and fair , having its natural colour , and his countenance as it was wont to be , and the eyes open , and his long beard in order , so that there was not a man who would have thought him dead if he had seen him and not known it .
23 In normal circumstances , Melissa would have found him stimulating company but that evening she found her thoughts constantly wandering .
24 A woman , someone like Irene , I know , would have found him horrible to be near .
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