Example sentences of "would [be] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The costs must be sunk , otherwise the threat would not be credible and , faced with entry , it would be in the incumbent 's interest to reverse the decision .
2 That night , Dot was to sleep on two extra blankets folded over to make a thin mattress for he , the man , would be in the bed where Dot used to sleep .
3 It might be h d that the place for this would be in the Computer Studies Curriculum but to do this would preclude a large number of pupils from acquiring basic handling skills .
4 We are delighted that is willing to stand again for election as Hon. Treasurer , but she feels it would be in the Society 's interest to have an Assistant Treasurer who would become familiar with our accounting methods and be able to take over should be away for a short period .
5 Shares would be in the name of the deceased , therefore ca n't be dealt with until you 've got the grant to prove that you can deal with them .
6 The balances in London would of course have their counterpart in the US , but would be in the name of the London bank , not that of the East European bank .
7 she was nearly retiring by the , no still the girls go to her at the school so she must have been going for , two or three years after we came up here , but I would be in the choir just , maybe two or three years .
8 ‘ The only circumstances in which I would anticipate the use of the remedies of certiorari and mandamus would be in the event , which I hope is unthinkable , of the panel acting in breach of the rules of natural justice — in other words , unfairly .
9 Later , when they came to know each other better , the pupil might graduate to calling him ‘ Lewis ’ , but this would be in the case of intimates .
10 This is constantly done in Mincing Lane [ a street in the City of London ] , and the person who acts in this way is , perhaps , a quasi-arbitrator or even an arbitrator , but he is an arbitrator of a particular sort , and it is not intended that there should be the same judicial proceeding on his part as there would be in the case of an arbitrator appointed under a formal submission .
11 The psychologists would be in the manger with the TV crews , evaluating them on the basis of their offerings — gold , frankincense and myrrh .
12 Lord Brandon stated that an operation or treatment would be in the patient 's best interests if it was carried out to save the patient 's life , ensure improvement , or prevent physical or mental deterioration .
13 In fact , I do n't usually shave in the morning ; that would be in the afternoon — or evening , if I 'm going out .
14 But , worst of all , she would not be able to take her unfortunate friend to be changed back to his normal self , and this was the only night of the whole year when she would be in the presence of a magician .
15 Because we felt that the application for mining , the timing would be picked by the companies , there would be immense pressure on the people to change their position because at that stage it would be out in the open that there was money there and that it would be in the government 's hands and we felt we would lose that so what we had to do was get it stopped before it got to that stage ’ .
16 The sky clouded , grew overcast and heavy , and they waited patiently for the rain to start in on them again , knowing they would be in the warmth of Ivrigar by nightfall .
17 He mentioned that the sum required for restoration of the monument would be in the range of £20 000 to £30 000 punts .
18 And if they were together in Hampton Wick , if they were sitting in the front room of his home in south-west London , then Holly 's company Fiesta would be in the road outside , and the clothes would be smart on his back , and the whisky and water in his hand , and the confidence in his talk .
19 Neither possibility would be in the manufacturer 's interest .
20 They would be in the North Kent grazing marshes , an extension to the South Downs ESA , the Hampshire Avon Valley , the River Burn catchment in Northern Ireland , the North Staffordshire Moors , the whole of Anglesey , the Forest of Bowland near Preston , Orkney and Shetland , and both the Inner and Outer Hebrides .
21 She had thought everyone would have gone to the Oyster Bar and that only the night-watchman would be in the building .
22 I 'd just like to reiterate Peter 's point , they have started importing coal from probably South Africa , to use at Didcot , it would be in the south , we 'd be using coal from South Africa at Didcot .
23 Both council agreed present day value of the award in that case would be in the vicinity of one hundred and twenty thousand pounds .
24 Huy hoped that when he died it would be in the desert or on the river , so that the vultures or the crocodiles would take him .
25 The purpose is clearly to determine whether any other forms of intervention would be in the child 's best interests .
26 If a child subject to an EPO is not living in local authority accommodation , inquiries should establish whether it would be in the child 's best interests to be moved ( s47(3) ( b ) ) .
27 ( a ) Transfer to another magistrates ' court A magistrates ' court must transfer a case to another magistrates ' court if this would be in the child 's interests : ( i ) because it will significantly accelerate determination of the proceedings ; ( ii ) because it would be appropriate for the case to be heard with other family proceedings pending in the receiving court ; or ( iii ) for some other reason ( APO , art 6 ) .
28 ( d ) Transfer to another county court One care centre may transfer proceedings to another care centre if this would be in the child 's interests having regard to the need to avoid delay .
29 It also has a residual power to make an appointment if the child has sufficient understanding to give instructions himself and wishes to do so or if it considers that it would be in the child 's best interests to be legally represented ( s41(3) ( 4 ) ( a ) and ( b ) ) .
30 This would be in the artist 's name , with the manager as the sole signatory .
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