Example sentences of "would [be] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Even blindingly obvious and crucial insights do n't usually come instantly — it took us 24 hours to realise that the part-concealed agenda behind IBM 's December closures was that the company was signalling the death of the mainframe , a couple of months to realise that the executive search committee of IBM non-executive directors had n't a clue what it should be looking for in a new chief executive for IBM — because they themselves did n't have the computer industry background they needed to recognise how vital such a background would be to the person assuming the post .
2 There is a belief that mild mental handicap may in a sense be inherited in a way that most severe mental handicaps are not , although public understanding would be to the contrary .
3 It could do this by giving the fund a loan , in which case our No. 2 calculation would apply : obviously , the payment of interest on the debt would be to the Government 's central funds .
4 John Ellis , general secretary of the Civil and Public Services Association , which has members employed by the Government 's statistical services , said : ‘ Anything that improves the quality of statistics , which this country is very good at getting wrong , particularly on transport and the economy , would be to the benefit of the whole country . ’
5 Chair , erm , every year we try and hold er , an event or something of interest to the local business community , to local industries , and we have contacts with local freight-forwarders , banks and companies that have exported , embassies , and we 're proposing that we erm , hold the event this year on the subject of exporting and how to do it , because we 've had very many small companies that might be clueless and want to know erm , exact nuts and bolts of it , so if we could run an event on that basis , and then use that event as the core of a group to take across in this case , Ireland , but perhaps in the future , Holland , who knows where else , to actually sell , using the services of erm , the Embassy in Dublin , our Embassy and the Chamber , with whom we have very good links , then it would be to the benefit of our businesses .
6 … such an arrangement would be to the advantage of the WEA , provided that the partnership in the Joint Committee is genuine and that the WEA retains and exercises the right of providing its own classes as may seem appropriate .
7 But then , as Blackstone pointed out , the opinion gained ground that it would be to the advantage of trade , and of creditors in general , if debtors outside the scope of the bankruptcy laws who were on the point of insolvency could also surrender their property for the benefit of their creditors , and in return be protected from legal process .
8 The criminal law sees only some types of property deprivation as robbery or theft ; it excludes , for example , the separation of consumers and part of their money that follows manufacturers ' malpractices or advertisers ' misrepresentations ; it excludes shareholders losing their money because managers behaved in ways which they thought would be to the advantage of shareholders even though the only tangible benefits accrued to the managers ( Hopkins 1980b ) ; it excludes the extra tax citizens , in this or other countries , have to pay because : ( i ) corporations and the very wealthy are able to employ financial experts at discovering legal loopholes through which money can be safely transported to tax havens ; ( ii ) Defence Department officials have been bribed to order more expensive weaponry systems or missiles in ‘ excess ’ of those ‘ needed ’ ; ( iii ) multinational drug companies charge our National Health Services prices which are estimated to be at least , £50 millions in excess of alternative supplies .
9 There is no doubt that it would be to the advantage of school children if they could find out what happens in the countryside .
10 no amendment which would be to the advantage of participants may be made to the following without the prior consent of the Company in General Meeting :
11 Mr Curry said : ‘ A better balance on the taxation between wine , beer and spirits within the EC would be to the advantage of the UK and we are supporting that approach . ’
12 Perhaps unnerved by the suddenness of his summons to the Prime Minister and the vigour of Palmerston 's attack , Scott felt that his case had to be presented in a ‘ more consecutive manner ’ , and on 23rd July , 1859 , he wrote a long letter to Palmerston explaining how much effort he had put into the design and what a loss it would be to the country if it was not adopted .
13 In a developing country , like India , a preference for sons would be expected to lead initially to a reduction in the birth rate , which would be to the country 's advantage ; and before long , the more farsighted parents will realise that in order to have grandchildren , they should select not sons , who may not be able to find wives , but daughters , who will be sought after , and be able to enter into advantageous marriages .
14 If he succumbs to temptation after all and suffers the consequences , it would be to the point to say ‘ You should have known better ’ or ‘ You ought to have had more sense ’ , reproaches which derive their authority from ‘ Face facts ’ ; but it would be irrelevant ( and exasperating ) to say ‘ You should n't have made yourself ill like that ’ , on the authority of the ‘ You do n't want to be sick ’ of the practical syllogism interpreted as ‘ Do n't get sick ’ .
15 Whether , if they do so , it would be to the interest of the Bishop 's Castle neighbourhood to offer evidence in favour of the line being completed on its own merits no one person can judge .
16 He is blind to the independent studies that have been carried out on that programme , such as that by Professor Snower of Birkbeck college , which demonstrates clearly and beyond doubt how damaging those proposals would be to the creation of jobs in this country .
17 ‘ However , the one thing the southern hemisphere does know a thing or two about is rugby union and to close the door would be to the detriment of the English game in the long run .
18 ‘ The proposed merger ( between Airtours and Owners ) would be to the material detriment of existing and potential small tour operators and retailers , ’ said Thomas Cook in a submission to the Office of Fair Trading .
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