Example sentences of "would [be] use [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Another popular scale is the Aeolian , which would be used over the VI chord of a harmonised major scale , or over a m7£5 chord .
2 The land would be used for the construction camp , but he had no doubt that there were ultimate plans to follow Lord Marshall 's alphabetic progression into D and even E stations .
3 Hayes Water Gill , below the cottages , would be used for the washing of yarn and cloth .
4 Intarsia is normally thought of only in terms of four-ply jumpers but is also effective using finer yarns such as would be used for the vest top or T-shirts .
5 We 'd been told which room would be used for the meeting so we did n't have to search the whole building .
6 Some foreign ministry officials ( like Briand 20 years before ) saw European unity as the only solution : France and Germany could join in European institutions as equals , with no need for special controls on Germany ; but at the same time German economic independence would be restricted and German resources would be used for the good of a greater whole .
7 In Cheney v Conn [ 1968 ] 1 All ER 779 , a taxpayer challenged an assessment of income tax made under the Finance Act 1964 on the ground that part of the money raised would be used for the manufacture of nuclear weapons contrary to a treaty , the Geneva Convention , to which the United Kingdom was party .
8 Sometimes a donkey would be used for the same purpose .
9 Answer guide : The answers should show the students understanding of these adjustments as being the same as would be used on the worksheet to put through year end entries .
10 This is a claim based on a four percent interest rate , not a two percent which would be used on the basis of and nineteen eighty eight three weekly report , law reports one two four seven .
11 And it can not be ruled out that even higher interest rates - whatever the political consequences — would be used in the last resort .
12 It would be used in the past as a sign that someone had died .
13 Nevertheless , they appear to be of a type that would be used in the manufacture of bulk chemicals . ’
14 This would be used in the first place to pay that week 's invoice and the balance , if any , would reduce the outstanding invoice of £24,196 .
15 Here , too , weapons were not used , though , afterwards Sir Kenneth put the people of London ‘ on notice ’ that plastic bullets and CS gas would be used in the event of future disorder ( ibid.:267 ) .
16 All winners of certificates and awards were written to individually asking them to check the details on their forms as this was the information that would be used in the presentations .
17 The antler and noose would be used in the mock execution of the Morrisman , and the wild jig would bring everyone on to the green , laughing and screaming in the hot , summer night …
18 This is the explanation that would be used in the case of the sentences suggested in 19.1 :
19 Understandably there was continued suspicion that their lower levels of pay would be used by the shipowners to " stabilise " wages for the period of the war and after .
20 An internal bulletin board would be used by the Library for bibliographic services , and by Computing to send out technical bulletins .
21 That would be used by the interviewer .
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