Example sentences of "would [be] make [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The heads of a bishop 's crozier and staff were often carved from ivory ( Plate G ) , as were the liturgical combs used by officiants at the altar on high occasions , and the episcopal ring would be made of gold and set with a precious stone .
2 These would be made of wood , would they ?
3 Increasingly conscious use would be made of public opinion on international affairs .
4 He also announced that as of July 24 the armed forces had begun an operation intended to last several days in which searches would be made for explosives and propaganda material in various districts around the capital .
5 Barracking , one of Chapman 's pet hates , was particularly active at reserve matches , and he declared that a close watch would be made for offenders .
6 The task force from Normandy was first to seize the Isle of Wight , then land at Gosport , from which Portsmouth and its dockyard would be bombarded and neutralised , while , as a further distraction , a minor attack would be made on Bristol , with others on Liverpool and Cork , to destroy supplies collected there for transport to America .
7 Adam Swannson , the senior partner of the haulage firm , confirmed these deliveries would be made on time , provided that he could subcontract the Belfast delivery .
8 For example , Glushko ( 1979 ) suggests that words are pronounced " by analogy " with similar words — when deciding how to pronounce the letter-string " fomily " , comparison would be made with words of similar orthography .
9 Upper Halling had its own ice cream made at the Black Boy by Jesse Crowhurst and Ernie Pankhurst , this would be made at weekends then loaded on to a hand card and pushed either up to Red Kill or to Birling Bank , where they would sell approx. 5–6 gallons on a Sunday .
10 A gamble or a bet or wager was a way of life to the men of the village , and often a wager would be made at work or whilst drinking in the local .
11 In some instances they temporised : in May 1221 they conceded that ‘ the knights and free tenants of the forest of Berkshire ’ should elect ‘ two law-worthy and discreet knights ’ of their number to keep the forest , under the Chief Justice of the Forest , until Henry III came of age , when a final decision would be made about disafforestment .
12 There was anxiety that judgments would be made about teachers ' handling of classes , based on too few visits .
13 According to the electoral platform of the CPD as regards political prisoners , a distinction would be made between prisoners of conscience and prisoners of violence , and those accused of " homicide , grievous bodily harm , kidnapping and child theft " would fit into the former category .
14 On occasion arrangements would be made between governments , such as in the period 1632–47 when England and Spain agreed that large amounts of Spanish silver were to be coined at the mint of London , accounting for a high proportion of its output .
15 In Cocks v. Thanet DC the House of Lords applied this rule and held that an applicant who wanted to challenge a decision of a local authority to the effect that he was intentionally homeless and so not entitled to be housed , had to use AJR procedure because his only rights in respect of the decision were public law rights , namely that the decision would be made in accordance with rules of public law .
16 Rest assured , too , that this payment in the event of accidental death would be made in addition to any bonuses earned by your policy in the period preceding your death .
17 The first cuts would be made in July 1993 and would affect 16,000 national servicemen , 8,000 professionals and 4,750 civilians ; the number of air force combat aircraft would be reduced from 450 to 400 and several bases would be closed , while naval forces would be regrouped in the key ports of Toulon on the Mediterranean and Brest on the Atlantic .
18 To manufacture a garnet disc brooch a two-piece mould would be made in day from a model , in which would be cast the skeleton of the brooch in silver .
19 Now that we had decided to refer to the team leader ( who would be the care manager ) we devised a simple referral form and agreed that all communications with and from social services would be made in writing and filed in our patients ' notes .
20 The primary health care team contracted to follow set procedures for making referrals ( referrers would inform patients , all referrals would include a clear statement of urgency and would be made in writing — even ones made by telephone would be followed up by written requests ) .
21 Thus , where rent is payable quarterly in advance on the usual quarter days a term of " seven years from 25 March " will be construed as beginning at the first moment of 25 March , so that the first payment of rent will fall due on the first day of the term and the last payment of rent would be made in respect of a complete quarter , which ends at the last moment of the term .
22 The actual arrests would be made by Colonel Bodge and his excellent Dragoons .
23 They stressed that the decision to send Balbinder to Cedars would be made by Mrs Singh and her husband .
24 An appendix to that report on political Union : Law-Making powers and procedures contained a systematic analysis of the important changes which would be made by entry into force of the treaty and compared these with the recommendations made over a number of years in various reports of the Select Committee .
25 The paths would be made from bricks left over from the building of the house ; the little hedges , not more than twelve inches in height , would be box , and spaces large enough to accommodate blooms would be devoted to arum lilies ; the others to gravel .
26 But in the aftermath of the bid , while suggestions that TI paid too much for Dowty were still flying around the City , the group won praise and respect from many analysts when it released a detailed account of the provisions it would be making in connection with the takeover — £87.1m in all , of which £41m represents asset write-offs and £46.1m additional expenditure that TI will have to incur .
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