Example sentences of "would [be] [verb] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 She never asked if she could help in the kitchen since she knew Alice would be irritated by an offer which she knew to be impractical and insincere .
2 I indicated that legal action was , in my view , inappropriate in respect of what was a rather feeble attempt at satire , and the importance of the programme would be enhanced to an absurd extent if anyone depicted in it took it seriously , but none of us liked being ridiculed .
3 The space of the hall would be defined by an electron cloud : the volume required for one or more electrons to revolve about the nucleus at high speed .
4 Observe the completely different effect produced by replacing the adjectives in ( 1 ) by the corresponding adverbs , as in : ( 28 ) Ellen shook the keys loosely muzak drives them madly And contrast the two sentences of ( 29 ) ( b ) : ( 29 ) ( a ) what did the new system do to the motors ? ( b ) the new system made the motors quieter the new system made the motors more quietly 5.4 Let us now return to the matter of the resultative nuance which can indeed be observed in all the examples we have given , reproducing the structural diagrams ( 21 ) and ( 22 ) to do so : ( 21 ) ( 22 ) If these diagrams represent the relations actually used in constructing such expressions , it follows that the entity of the noun phrase , as initially present to the mind of the speaker ( and to that of the listener in the final interpretative phase of comprehension ) lacks the property of the adjective since it is structurally separated from it ; however , since that property is expressed by an adjective , then ex hypothesi it will apply to the entity of the noun phrase when the construction is taken as a whole ; if not , then either the property would be expressed by an adverb , and apply to the verb , or the whole construction would be literally incoherent .
5 He said that Maccas goal would be credited as an OG , cos he was trying to pull it back from the byline but it hit sherwood and span in .
6 Since , at the same time , the DHAs budget would be reduced in respect of average costs , health authority planning would be faced with an additional challenge in redressing any inequalities which follow from such selection .
7 A real rate of interest , which would be calculated as an annual rate per cent , takes into account the following facts : — the period of the loan may not be for a full year : interest is only charged on the actual amount borrowed ( eg not including any deposit paid ) ; — if regular repayments are being made , the full amount of the loan is not outstanding over the full year .
8 In acknowledgement of the urgent need for reform in this area , de Klerk proposed initially that henceforth : ( i ) the death penalty would be limited as an option of sentence to extreme cases , and the area of judicial discretion in the imposition of sentence would be broadened ( currently the death sentence was mandatory for certain crimes ) ; ( ii ) all those sentenced to death would be granted automatic right of appeal — up till now there had been no appeal against this sentence ; ( iii ) no further executions would be carried out until Parliament had decided on the proposals .
9 But his timings are critical because they reflect the mood Mahler wanted the music to project , a mood that would be destroyed by an excessively slow tempo . ’
10 Accordingly , postponement of retirement would be rewarded by an increased pension .
11 The common external tariff would be based on an average of the existing duties levied by the member states at their national borders , though with some downward adjustment .
12 This may be achieved by developing a centralised share clearing house which , initially anyway , would be based on an enhancement of existing systems — specifically , the Stock Exchange 's Talisman system adapted to rolling settlement and the Institutional Net Settlement System .
13 One part would be based upon GDP per capita relative to the EC average , and the other part would be based upon an index of population .
14 It would n't matter now what she , Dinah , did ; Robert Asshe would be hoping for an heir from the new wife , the young girl who could n't act .
15 Assessment can not be made at birth because antibodies to HIV from the mother cross the placenta , and though these would be detected in an HIV antibody test , it would not show whether the baby itself was infected .
16 Appeals against his conclusions would be heard by an independent tribunal , which would be able to impose penalties of up to 10% of turnover ( although initially this would be limited to £1m ) .
17 PLANS for water treatment works to reduce levels of pollution in drinking water have upset councillors because the works would be situated in an area of outstanding natural beauty .
18 In the meantime he said college bosses were waiting to hear if a parliamentary bill to give the college self-governing status would be scuppered by an early election .
19 The company said it would mean a pay cut of about 10pc , as sacked workers would be rehired at an existing union-agreed ‘ new worker ’ rate .
20 By those who treat scientific and religious discourse as two distinct language games , or who detach doctrines of creation from statements about the physical world , Drummond 's attempt to integrate his faith with evolutionary science would be dismissed as an unfortunate error .
21 By the year 2000 , both countries would be placed on an equal footing with Mexican banks .
22 Thirdly , any expansion of the EC to embrace some Eastern European countries a strain would be placed upon an adjustment mechanism intended for a single country .
23 In proceedings brought by the husband the judge refused to order the return of the child to Canada , on the grounds that his removal and retention was not wrongful within the meaning of article 3 of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction , set out in Schedule 1 to the Child Abduction and Custody Act 1985 , since the father had no rights of custody ; and that , under article 13 , there was a risk that the child would be placed in an intolerable situation if he was returned to Ontario because of the lack of proper accommodation and financial support .
24 ( 2 ) That the evidence as to the situation of the mother and child in the event of a return to Ontario did not establish a risk that the child would be placed in an intolerable situation within the meaning of article 13 ; and that , accordingly , since article 13 did not apply and since the child 's removal was wrongful , the court had no discretion but was under a mandatory duty to order the child 's return to Ontario under article 12 of the Convention ( post , pp. 871A–C , 873H — 874C , G–H , 875A ) .
25 The submission made by Lord Meston is that there was no factual basis for a finding that the child would be placed in an intolerable situation if returned to Canada .
26 I consider that the judge did not have the material before him on which to find that there was a grave risk that the child would be placed in an intolerable situation if the court were to order his return to Canada .
27 By grouping properties into a limited number of bands , the Council Tax also avoids the punitive bills which would be imposed by an unfettered rating system of the kind proposed by Labour .
28 Ideally income tax would be replaced by an expenditure tax : all saving would then be tax-deductible , and all spending would be taxed .
29 Instead of the audit , FRAG proposes that the accounts should contain a compilation report on their preparation , which would be furnished by an accountant who is suitably qualified but not necessarily independent of the company .
30 One option would be to continue as an independent mutual .
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