Example sentences of "would [be] [verb] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 According to the new law local parliaments would be empowered to conduct inspection and auditing of local governments .
2 Immigration officials would be empowered to refuse entry to foreign nationals deemed to be economic migrants , while processing of applications for political asylum would be speeded up .
3 In addition , an important function of the RAC would be its financial responsibility specifically for rural development for which it would receive and disburse hypothecated funds from LEAs and Trusts and from which it would be empowered to make deficiency payments to the relevant providing body where deficits occurred .
4 Ballistics theory predicts that only deep-seated target rocks at ground zero would be accelerated to escape velocity ; and all ground zero material would be melted to glass by the shock .
5 The White Paper promised that information would be gathered to help implement demand management , but no work was done until the autumn of 1945 .
6 Under this , expenditure from the structural funds was to rise to ECU 27,400 million yearly by 1999 and a new cohesion fund would be formed to provide funding of ECU 2,600 million yearly by 1999 .
7 First , the road system within the area would scarcely be changed in layout , but instead the widths and junctions would be altered to reduce traffic speeds .
8 This I do know is not , is not at this place successful , not for people concerned with the , the facilities are not really adequate , and I understand that they also would be hoping to take advantage of this community centre .
9 They would be perhaps regarded as thick as two short planks , er they would not be happy , they would be struggling to do work that was not honestly within their capacities , that being the case , they would almost certainly have to go down from the University .
10 My advice would be to aim to improve water conditions and forget any medications .
11 Mr Miles said : ‘ Nobody would be wanting to keep machinery going if there is no hope for Tim 's survival . ’
12 But traces of it remain , since a jury must still be asked not merely whether the reasonable man would be provoked to lose self-control , but also ‘ whether he would react to the provocation as the accused did ’ .
13 Jack Adams , the unions ' chief negotiator , said they would be seeking to ensure production staff were paid the same as those doing similar jobs at Jaguar — in which Ford recently took a stake — who were earning up to £34 a week more .
14 This question , and the next , were perhaps the two most crucial with regard to how much the families would be motivated to attend training courses or change and improve their farms .
15 Concern was expressed that the country , once a key strategic ally of the USA , would descend further into anarchy ; Zaïrean exiles also expressed fears that Mobutu would be tempted to use force against the opposition now that foreign troops had been withdrawn .
16 Interest rates would have to be higher and there is a risk that a Labour government facing ‘ difficult choices ’ would be tempted to devalue sterling , as feared by financial markets .
17 Since he could just make out where he was going , he decided not to use the front light , which in any case would be bound to draw attention to him .
18 They had agreed it was best to put the coins on the market one by one ; a flood of rare coins , some without provenance and others with the sort of provenance which would interest the police , would be bound to arouse suspicion .
19 Permanent road blocks and checks would require further legislation , and would be bound to meet opposition from civil liberties groups who would claim harassment of the loyal Irish community within the UK .
20 When she told us about this visit , she hoped it would be centred around a seminar , funded by the Romanian government , at which tutors would be trained to teach machine knitting to young people whose chances of employment near their own homes were otherwise remote .
21 The head would be exploited to produce electricity .
22 Once they have gauged US performance against that of other nations , adjustments would be made to assure parity or leadership .
23 Borisav Jovic , vice-president of the Collective State Presidency , in talks at the UN on Jan. 23 with Vance and the new UN Secretary-General , Boutros Boutros-Ghali , gave assurances that efforts would be made to ensure compliance with the UN plan from the Serbian regions of Croatia .
24 Economic growth in 1990 was projected to reach 5 per cent , he said , and efforts would be made to keep inflation below 60 per cent .
25 I did not speak to Harold Wilson or to Lady Falkender about the matter , since I was sure that strenuous efforts would be made to prevent disclosure , but I was equally sure from Denis Hamilton 's attitude that this would not succeed and it was therefore better not to try .
26 To treat it separately would be to risk giving rise to the misconception that it should be separately timetabled , taught and assessed , rather than integrated in the speaking , listening , reading and writing activities of any English lesson .
27 They would be voting to divert attention from the one place where the merits or otherwise of fox hunting should be decided and considered amongst M Ps , you will note amongst MPs not by government , this is a matter for a free vote of conscience .
28 He pointed to Unix International as a forum for limiting the damage caused by arguments over technology , and said that the UI RoadMap of future Unix developments would be broadened to encompass technology from other member companies aside from USL itself : ‘ It 'll help keep them honest ’ .
29 A number of exercises would be conducted using computer simulation , rather than actual troops .
30 Vietnam had agreed to the arrangements for repatriation and aid would be given to assist resettlement , Mr Hurd said .
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