Example sentences of "would [be] [vb pp] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She would be seated in front of his desk before he allowed himself to be near her ; then he would lean against the same side of the desk as she .
2 Institutions doing mainly advanced work would be funded on a programme basis , while those with only small amounts would be funded in respect of individual courses .
3 Ortega announced on Nov. 8 that a total of 5,000 officers would be retired in order to bring the full complement of the People 's Sandinista Army ( EPS ) down to 28,000 " immediately or in a very short time " .
4 The Divisional Court in that case distinguished between the obtaining of evidence for use in a trial , ‘ direct ’ material , which constituted ‘ testimony ’ under that Act and which would be gathered in response to a Letter of Request , and the obtaining of ‘ indirect ’ material , which might lead to a line of enquiry pointing to actual evidence ; the English courts would not assist a foreign court to obtain such ‘ indirect ’ material .
5 EPRDF leader Meles Zenawi announced that a transitional government would be formed in consultation with other groups , pending elections .
6 The OPEC talks ran into early resistance from Saudi Arabia , which demanded that all OPEC members should accept a pro rata production cut which would be calculated in relation to their current actual output — a move which would have left its share of OPEC output undiminished .
7 Since it is more than likely that funds would be limited in relation to the demand for them , the Commission 's own priorities become important in deciding where and how to intervene .
8 In the case of carers who have their own children this is easier to see than for the classic ( and disappearing ) case of the single daughter who was presumed to be childless ; although in that case the assumption in the past was that the single daughter would be rewarded in material terms through being the major beneficiary of her parents ' will , if they had money or property to bequeath .
9 Mr Walker said yesterday that he was not optimistic that the deal would be concluded in time to stop the family being thrown out of their home .
10 Schlüter said that similar treaties with Latvia and Lithuania would be concluded in future .
11 Two other tournaments intervened before the Masters and one of them at Houston was washed out with hardly , as would be said in cricket , a ‘ ball being bowled ’ .
12 Back home , he dreamt , he filled the whole flat with buckets of earth , even filled soup dishes and the kettle and the wineglasses with soil , and spent hours watering them and moving them carefully around every day , carrying them from room to room so that they would be struck in turn by whatever sunshine came in through the different windows at different times of the day , making sure they were kept warm .
13 The devaluation of the inti for the month of October was restricted to 6 per cent overall ; exporters were to receive 10 per cent of the value of their exports in foreign currency and 45 per cent in freely redeemable US dollar certificates , while the remaining 45 per cent would be paid in intis at the single exchange market rate ; import restrictions were eased ; to protect the silver sector against the continuing slump in prices since 1989 on the world market , the Central Reserve Bank was to buy silver at 5 per cent over the current market price ; fuel prices would rise by only 5 per cent in October , and public utility rates by less than the percentage rise in salaries , which themselves would be increased in accordance with inflation .
14 But this was based on the assumption that the current tax relief limit of £30,000 would be increased in line with inflation .
15 Chief technical officer Billy Dodds said the minimum standards were adequate and cover would be increased in line with the number of bathers .
16 However it was felt that a more even balance would be sought in future .
17 The latest version of the SDI concept , originally introduced in 1983 , centred on the " brilliant pebbles " idea , which proposed that up to 100,000 small space-based rockets would be placed in orbit , where they would be able to track enemy missiles and to destroy them through direct collision .
18 The red-hot steel tyre would be placed in position around the wheel ; if the tyre was of less width than the rim , temporary nails were partly driven into the wood to stop the tyre slipping down to the steel plate .
19 The criminal trial system would be placed in jeopardy .
20 If it were to do so , the very existence of the currency union would be placed in jeopardy .
21 The Market Place , after the removal of the animals , would be covered in straw and slurry .
22 If we all shared that attitude , we would undoubtedly still travel in steam trains , and passengers would be covered in soot .
23 What I would see this policy as doing would be simply to bring an element of restraint er which er would be formulated in way in which it would within the local plans so that tight boundaries would be drawn around settlements , the rest of the land would be designated as under this policy as E two land and the debate as to whether the extent of that land was necessary or not would be negated because it would be subsumed as being there simply er meeting the strategic policy .
24 It would be accepted in humiliation … and would leave … a bitter memory upon which the terms of peace would rest , not permanently , but only as upon quicksand .
25 The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 , which had placed barriers between commercial and investment banking , would be repealed in order to permit well-capitalized banks to set up affiliates in other sectors of the financial areas .
26 Whereas young men as a matter of course would study the classics , women would be instructed in painting , music , dancing , modern languages , or other accomplishments , but rarely would they be expected to achieve real competence Indeed , a learned woman was likely to experience difficulty finding a husband , and education might cease to be any advantage .
27 He went on to say that he realized that Hall 's larger scheme might not materialize , but he thought that Government Offices in a similar style to his building would eventually extend to Great George Street where they would be seen in relation to the Abbey and the Houses of Parliament .
28 They would be united in hatred for the blackmailing looter .
29 The bed would burn , its occupant die , but the fire would be discovered in time and the flames doused . ’
30 The Garda apparently want the Attorney General in Dublin to give assurances that any information would be treated in confidence and that the informers would n't face trial .
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