Example sentences of "would [be] [vb pp] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was also agreed that the Committee would be formed of the Bondholders with Alfred Caldecott as Secretary ( pro tem ) and Mr J. C. Walker , the Manager of the Bank J. & C. Simonds , as Treasurer .
2 The change provoked an extended strike on the part of the largely Russian speaking blue-collar labour force , and the Supreme Soviet Presidium in Moscow declared the legislation unconstitutional on the grounds that it violated the principle of equal electoral rights ( some 80,000 , it was estimated , would be deprived of the franchise under the new regulations ) .
3 Obviously , if all security interests were possessory it would make secured borrowing virtually impossible as a debtor would be deprived of the ability to use the assets subject to the security in the course of business ( but English law has for long recognised non-possessory security interests ) .
4 Following a three-day meeting in London on Sept. 24-26 , the Sino-British Liaison Group ( JLG ) announced that Hong Kong 's Court of Final Appeal , which in 1993 would replace the Privy Council in London , would be composed of the Chief Justice , three Hong Kong-based judges and a fifth member to be invited alternately from two panels — Panel A , containing retired and serving Court of Appeal judges in Hong Kong , and Panel B , made up of retired judges from other common law jurisdictions .
5 Miller considered that the cultivation of madder in England would employ labourers , usually idle from the end of harvest until spring , and thus parishes would be eased of the Poor 's Rate , ‘ a consideration worthy of public attention ’ .
6 You are something of a legend here still and would be assured of a fine welcome , a passably good dinner , and a bed at my humble abode — plus travel expenses .
7 Most of these birds would have bred in the northern parts of Siberia , travelling thousands of kilometres to find a place in the Seychelles where they would be assured of a supply of suitable food .
8 A video would be made of a lesson and then in theory the teacher and their tutor or ‘ friendly critic ’ would watch the recording together .
9 US-based banks ( in New York ) would lend more dollars externally and greater use would be made of the New York bond market .
10 They predicted that when a subject 's attention was on the actor a situation would be described using an active , whereas when attention was on the acted-upon ( the recipient of action ) , greater use would be made of the passive .
11 He had been through hell in the course of duty ; he had made sacrifices that would be asked of no other human being .
12 It was agreed that the GPs would be notified of the scheme and sent a copy of my parameters of practice , enabling me to see their patients .
13 Cutting ability of the trimmer is better than would be expected of a cordless machine .
14 Equation ( 2.2 ) suggests that the chosen wealth measure has the characteristics that would be expected of the ‘ true ’ wealth series since the imposition of a unit wealth elasticity proves data acceptable with a Wald statistic .
15 For example , a new housing estate would be built , the diocese would be informed of the development at the planning stage , and the diocesan office would put in for a school , or an extension for an existing school .
16 A short film would be shown of a man who 'd lost his memory through a cerebral stroke at the age of twenty-three , and was learning to programme his life so he could live alone , and then I would speak about the day-to-day struggle of living with someone who is in no-man 's world without reference and without time .
17 The ITN report said that unions would be told of the job losses today , when annual profits are published .
18 It was acknowledged by political leaders , military commanders , media executives and journalists alike that these restrictions substantially affected the range and type of coverage which would be provided of the fighting .
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