Example sentences of "would [not/n't] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Turkey was not in a state of war and would not open a second front against Iraq unless its own territory was attacked .
2 It clearly can not be an arbitrary aggregation of versions of modules since it is likely that they would not form a consistent set .
3 Uri Lubrani , co-ordinator of Israeli government activities in Lebanon , stressed in reply that Israel would not exercise the same restraint in south Lebanon that it was showing in the face of Iraqi missile attacks .
4 Such value judgements must , however , be controlled and at the level of functions : this might lead to precise descriptions of particular skills appropriate to one or the other but would not justify the grandiose claims for ‘ logic ’ , ‘ objectivity ’ and ‘ culture-free neutrality ’ which we have been examining .
5 In the late 1980s developers knew that they would not make a decent return on their investment on a pay and play basis .
6 Unless he had changed a lot he would not make a good impression .
7 You see , although I love her so deeply , I know that Rosamund would not make a good wife for a missionary . ’
8 The reason Jake had had a change of heart was because he had finally realised for himself that Janice would not make a good mother for Kirsty , and that Shiona , on the other hand , would .
9 They were also the most likely to say Dad would not make a good job of being a housewife and should be out at work ( 57pc pc compared to 38pc ) .
10 He also said that the Prince and Princess of Wales would not make a planned visit to China in November ‘ so long as those responsible for the atrocities over the past weekend remain in control of the Chinese government ’ .
11 Failure to bring about the defection would mean certain imprisonment , possibly death , for if he did not bring matters to a successful conclusion , Manville and his colleagues would not make the slightest attempt to help him .
12 I have meandered round all sorts of fairly obscure topics , just about pleasing the Chair by remaining in order , knowing that whatever I said it would not make the slightest difference to the outcome of the private Bill .
13 The creation of such an inspectorate said Andrews Lees of FoE , would not make the proposed European Environment Agency redundant .
14 Of course there was nothing to guarantee that the soup you were canning would measure up to the quality or taste of Mother 's , nor that other soup canners would not make the same sales appeal .
15 It is a safe bet that the other parties in contention would not make the same mistake .
16 The right hon. Member for Hertsmere blew the whistle on his colleagues when he disarmingly said that , when he privatised electricity , he would not make the same cock-up as they had done with British Telecom and British Gas .
17 The general opinion is that Third World countries have suffered so dreadfully under the debt burden , they would not make the same mistake again .
18 On 8 December he told his ministers that he had blundered by treating the election as a referendum and would not make the same mistake again .
19 You would not expect a self-respecting La Paz office worker to walk down a main street fondling a doll 's house three-piece-suite or a Dinky-sized Toyota jeep .
20 You would not expect a well-made machine like this to be light , and at 2.8kg ( 6.2lb ) it is n't , so you need the two handles moulded into the case of the machine to help hold it .
21 The Keynesians would therefore expect a close relationship between the demand for money and the yield ( rate of interest ) on near-money substitutes , but the monetarist would not expect a significant relationship because of the belief that money is a substitute for all assets alike .
22 From common sense one would not expect the mere possession of a regular , orderly arrangement of atoms or molecules to be a cause of weakness , and of course it is n't .
23 The turbo is not just a bolt-on ‘ goodie ’ for a normally aspirated engine The turbo engine has uprated valve gear , bearings , fuel pump and manifolding as well as improved cooling and lubrication systems I would not expect the normal 2 5 engine fitted with an after market turbo to have the same longevity as the factory built turbo diesel engine
24 And Football League president Gordon McKeag said : ‘ When the Premier League was formed the FA said they would not sanction a second division .
25 ‘ Its development , ’ says Holyoak , ‘ would not necessitate the great cataclysm of demolition ; the plan is designed so that parts of it can be built independently in phases . ’
26 From the tranquility of the first decade of the twentieth century , the Victoria County History recorded : ‘ Farmers and petty employers [ in Combsburgh ] would not engage the best labour , but preferred the inferior hands at low wages … it was , therefore , scarcely surprising there were riots … ‘ .
27 You would not think a broken shoe .
28 Its original function , according to Seth , was to make us feel bad , by briefly separating us from our sense of love and connectedness , so that we would not repeat a harmful act .
29 " A lizard upheld me the wild birds would not eat the white bread " .
30 I would not blame the young people for wanting to get away . ’
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