Example sentences of "would [vb infin] taken [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Chances were he would have taken her at her word .
2 His expression changed , and he would have taken her in his arms if she had n't moved quickly .
3 ‘ Because the flight path he was following when we first located him would have taken him to Ankara in Turkey , or some place pretty close by .
4 Carla would have taken him to the cleaners for that .
5 From there , two or three strides would have taken him over the edge and into oblivion .
6 Instead of turning left over the canal bridge which would have taken him into the village , he turned right and began walking out of the village on the Brookend road .
7 This would have taken him into working-class black dance-halls , bars , churches : more generally , by extension , into the whole network of subterranean currents beneath the bland surface of the metropolitan American musical mainstream .
8 A stranger would have taken them for brothers .
9 Anyone seeing them together on the common outside Oswaldston would have taken them for husband and wife , though Hilary was by nearly three years the younger .
10 That would have taken them past the vital February sailing time along what Whitehall claims is an organised escape route .
11 Having a baby would have taken us off the front pages , making us safe and dull again .
12 The path forked when it reached an old log cabin ; left would have taken us to the top of Mount Eddy , right took us on the Pacific Crest Trail stretching from Canada down to Mexico .
13 The playing of the BBC Symphony Orchestra under Peter Eötrös , who had given the work several times before this 1991 Prom performance , seems immensely confident and assured , all the complexities mastered ; and the recording quality is so good ( and the audience so quiet ) I would have taken it for a ‘ state-of-theart ’ studio job .
14 If he had accepted her invitation to supper she would have taken it for encouragement ; he would simply have put off the evil day .
15 That a mere colonel in the White House would have taken it upon himself to engage in such duplicitous and totally illegal operations without the president 's knowledge and authority is quite impossible to believe .
16 I would have taken it like a boy .
17 Some women would have taken it in good humour . ’
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