Example sentences of "would [vb infin] to [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The only exception I would make to this rule is if there are special guests who actually should be ‘ on-show ’ because they enhance the programme , for whatever reason .
2 We found that she would answer to either name , but did n't respond to any other .
3 Judging by the sense of humour evident in the other series lining the opposite wall where male models/friends are portrayed sporting dresses , I would n't have thought the artist would object to that label too strongly .
4 The public would become used to high employment financed by permanent deficits and would object to any attempt to cut the deficit by raising taxes .
5 Campriello , lawyer for defendant Ahmad Mohammad Ajaj , said he would object to any attempt to introduce the re-enactment as evidence at trial .
6 It was a bird that would appeal to popular sentiment ; indeed , Gould advocated its adoption as Australia 's national bird , and later used it as a motif on the covers of his Birds of Australia series , showing the male lyre-bird with the beautiful lyre-shaped plumes of its tail raised in courtship .
7 They were both part of Bob Dylan 's backing band in the disastrous film Hearts Of Fire : Fred had to teach the songs they would mime to that day to Dylan each morning .
8 Firstly it would demonstrate to prospective freelance writers the type of material required .
9 Ten days ago , I spent my 33rd birthday flat on my back , contemplating the inevitable decline towards decrepitude and death ( yup , it was a happy , happy day ) and wondering what my underlings would do to this column in my absence .
10 Nizan was clearly showing the first signs of a defensive strategy that he would deploy to great effect throughout the remainder of his life .
11 The idea that one could go right round the universe and end up where one started makes good science fiction , but it does n't have much practical significance , because it can be shown that the universe would recollapse to zero size before one could get round .
12 But there is evidence to suggest a minimum wage would contribute to greater productivity and industrial recovery .
13 The test was standardised on 344 children , aged between 3 years and 7 years 11 months , who were ‘ presumed by their teachers to have no handicapping conditions which would contribute to atypical language development ’ ( Lee 1969 : 7 ) .
14 To be his friend , the boy would have Diniz , who would think him his cousin , and who would grow to gentle manhood in the vineyards of Portugal , and honour Tristão his father .
15 He also emphasises the ethics : ‘ Certainly if anyone were to advocate placing whale genes or elephant growth hormone genes into the genetic code of a human embryo , so that it would grow to sexual maturity at age six , and twice as tall …
16 Half the rate of the widow 's pension for one child and it would equate to that amount if there were two or more children .
17 Servicemen would have to swear an oath of loyalty to the people of Ukraine by Jan. 20 , and those who refused would transfer to another state of the CIS .
18 Would transfer to another department or firm be possible ?
19 If committees were to be as business-like in this as in other matters , they would resort to this method rather than to mountebank exhibitions , in which the bold and unscrupulous fare best , and the honest and modest worst and there would be fewer vain regrets and miserable depositions afterwards , than is unhappily the case at present .
20 Mr Dunn said the firm hoped to create more jobs in the not too distant future , while Roddy Ross of Tecnomarine said the partnership between the two engineering firms represented a strengthening of relations between them and would work to mutual advantage .
21 I would like to first call , in alphabetical order , Robert
22 He was rather taken aback but said he would report to head office and let me know about it in the New Year .
23 I would suggest to this conference and more importantly to this government , that that is no way to lift this country out of the recession and it 's no way for us to run an economy .
24 It is by no means clear how farmers would react to any system which threatened to control their freedom to do as they please with their own land .
25 Thus the Lucas workers proposed a range of " telecheric devices " which would react to human intelligence rather than absorb it .
26 Those who have urged wider activity by select committees were faced with some uncertainty about how MPs would react to this development .
27 The fact that the share price had been 60p did not mean it would return to that level .
28 He reassured shareholders that the TSB would in future focus on banking and insurance services for personal and small business customers under the name of TSB , while the troubled Hill Samuel subsidiary would return to traditional merchant banking , concentrating on fee-earning services .
29 I knew that I would return to this island again when I would have more time to search .
30 Then he would move to another par of the bed , away from the cold wet patch that would take a long time to dry and leave a stiff yellow stain on the mattress .
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