Example sentences of "would [vb infin] take a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Who in their right senses would want to take a babby in arms on a journey like that ? ’
2 This month I would like to take a look at some further practical applications of blues-based double stop ideas .
3 He would like to take a look at Oxendown House .
4 Can you please advise Michael Daniell and Peter Mothersole that I would like to take a holiday as follows :
5 For example : ‘ I understand that you might be disappointed that we 're not coming over at Christmas , but I really would like to take a holiday
6 Very very very briefly Chairman , erm first of all you can see in paragraph two point three and you see the matter that 's being erm the subject of discussion previously erm there was n't to be an issues report as such , but er Stragg itself the advisory group did feel that it would be useful that er er a leaflet be prepared and distributed erm you I do n't think Chairman would have seen it , but hot off the presses is being erm with us this morning er an an and only delivered this morning are some copies of th the leaflet that we have now erm prepared er you will have seen that in draft form Chairman and members of Strang will have seen that draft form so er both Stragg members and other members of the Committee if they would like to take a copy away with them , that there are a number here , but they will be er given wide distribution later on .
7 DESERT Island Discs castaway Bob Geldof told presenter Sue Lawley he would like to take a packet of condoms with him , in case some beautiful woman suddenly came ashore , like Ursula Andress in the James Bond movie Dr No .
8 They are both : tough on the values , tender in support of people who would dare to take a risk and try something new in support of these values .
9 Iro has been in poor form for the Sea Eagles and was told several weeks ago that he would have to take a pay cut to stay with the club .
10 I would have to take a taxi back to Sligo once I had seen the sights , for there was no return bus .
11 She knew she would have to take a look .
12 Melanie wondered if she would have to take a tray to the basement but it seemed they had their own gas ring down there and brewed up continually for themselves .
13 That meant Niki would have to take a cut .
14 After some initial success , however , the Young King 's campaign ground to a halt and Henry decided that he would have to take a hand himself .
15 Since Sir Edmond 's will ruled out charging fees , there were two possible solutions : either the Goldsmiths would have to increase the stipend from their own income from Shaa 's bequest , or the local community would have to take a hand .
16 He , of course , would have to take a glass or two , enough to make him moderately sick , but that would be a small price to pay for finishing off Elinor , not to mention Mr and Mrs Is-the-Mitsubishi-Scratched-Yet and Nazi Who Escaped justice at Nuremberg .
17 It would have taken a battalion to root the fanatics out , and the casualties would have been horrendous .
18 It would have taken a minute or so to operate the computer .
19 The cost of this exercise was considered prohibitive , and the time factor to effect the alterations involved had it been financially acceptable , would have taken a couple of years .
20 A real thief would have taken a screwdriver and levered off the clasps .
21 This is a short-cut walkers are not supposed to take , to prevent erosion , but it would have taken a man with a Rotweiler and a machine-gun to stop me , so desperate was I to get back to the car and home .
22 The evidence of whether she would have taken up her place at Norwich in Autumn nineteen eighty seven or would have taken a year off and started in Autumn nineteen eight eight is equivocal .
23 He said it would have taken a fraction of a section to pull the duvet off .
24 That was how close it was , and as Emerson once said to me , he learned that weekend , sweating out the last half-hour before the start , that when you 're running for the championship , you simply ca n't give anything away : give Stewart an inch and he would have taken a yard .
25 In the night they had moved , so that now she lay with her arm about his waist , her body pressed so tightly against his back that it would have taken a can-opener to prise them apart .
26 It would have taken a miracle , like the reconstitution of the central committee of DOCOMOMO in the shape of real veterans of the Great War , men brutalised by life in the trenches and determined to rebuild society starting at the top , to have recognised this siren song immediately and rejected this siren song immediately and rejected it out of hand , and at Eindhoven such a miracle did not take place .
27 It would have taken a match of some note to have lifted this last weekend of the Championship out of the also-ran trough .
28 But it would have taken a lot more than the doctor 's understandable caution to dispel the general euphoria .
29 Well , it would have taken a lot of investment .
30 well I mean I 'm not surprised they do n't wan na take a picture of our garden cos it 's a mess but er I 'd have thought he would have taken a picture of yours and sold you one .
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