Example sentences of "would [vb infin] [adv] the same " in BNC.

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1 And I would make just the same kind of point about the word " family " .
2 I think that if Jesus stood in your school and looked around at the crowds he would feel exactly the same .
3 Living and dying here you would feel much the same .
4 His defence was to insist that he would do exactly the same again under the same circumstances .
5 You would do exactly the same thing . ’
6 As he sat on the mud floor of his cell , disdaining the bed , he said that he would do exactly the same again .
7 If we were in opposition we would do exactly the same .
8 Thus , would give exactly the same results as the previous example .
9 All the 300dpi libraries for HP printers and the like would look exactly the same because they are designed as bitmaps .
10 Well you 'd just get Y equals A graph that would look exactly the same as Y equals X to the .
11 Surely someone moving toward the light ought to measure it traveling at a higher speed than someone moving in the same direction as the light ; yet the experiment showed that both observers would measure exactly the same speed .
12 They would wash up the same way even if they were not watched .
13 In comparison with , say , a suite of games and teaching programs in the field of 2D figure areas ( which would cost much the same ) , a business program has several advantages .
14 The difficulty , for the commission , is that if it abandoned the present formula , it would face exactly the same problems as national governments , seeking to foster advanced technology but fearful of the temptation of ‘ backing winners ’ .
15 In order to define completely where you are right now you would need to use four mathematical coordinates , not three , and each of these would have exactly the same status as the rest .
16 But for the words italicised ‘ financial year ’ and ‘ accounting reference period ’ would mean exactly the same thing ; as it is they need not .
17 Some of the finance houses chose to apply for bank status ( under the Protection of Depositors Act ) and these finance houses would observe therefore the same reserve requirements as the other banks .
18 They would pay exactly the same under the rents-to-mortgages scheme as they currently pay in rent — but they would be acquiring their homes , rather than simply being tenants .
19 ‘ You would go just the same ? ’ suggested Alianor .
20 Erm I just moved probably a half a pace so P C would get exactly the same view as myself .
21 the suspect counsel to is no they would n't , and they would raise precisely the same points as er being raised in this defence , er which are surely if there is anything in them , equally available to every other name
22 So the way that we process or extr it can not just be we take a we take the information an and build up the letters by extracting the features from it because if you did that then the H and the A would come out the same both times but they do n't .
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