Example sentences of "would [adv] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was already chaotically busy with officials and administrators knitting together the many responsibilities which would eventually make a successful tournament .
2 Jenny Ball had , since May 1984 , taken responsibility for youth work in the community college — a position that she hoped would eventually become a part-time permanent post .
3 Many people would rather have a stiff drink to help them sleep , than take a sleeping tablet for their insomnia .
4 I would rather have a little shop , a holiday home and be getting married and having kids .
5 But when the chips are down and he 's feeling blue , Charlie sees himself as ‘ The Maryhill Hermit ’ , a victim of his public image , and a man who would rather have a quiet night with the wife than a night out with the wild bunch .
6 However , there are those who take the view that , on the day of the actual birthday , they would rather have a smaller celebration with the immediate family .
7 In the first flush of youthful passion , and in the imminence of war , Leslie had vowed that he would rather have a few years with me than eternal life without me .
8 More than half would rather have a shorter summer break and more holidays at other times .
9 I would rather see a few children unnecessarily separated from their parents than thousands of them just remain without any parents at all ! [ … ] .
10 Some councils refused under any circumstances whatever to purchase private services and would rather deny a disadvantaged person access to care than buy it privately .
11 Liberal Club supporters protested that these moves would call into question the mandate of elected Civic Forum parliamentary deputies , and would thereby provoke a constitutional crisis .
12 Finally , Model A would recognize the intermixture of non-advanced and advanced further education provided by the great majority of establishments and would thereby permit a close relationship between the two levels of provision .
13 This , they noted , was particularly so in the German companies which would presumably have a comparative advantage over British firms in this respect anyway .
14 ( Incidentally , exactly how the appropriate implicatures in these cases are to be predicted remains quite unclear , although the maxim of Relevance would presumably play a crucial role . )
15 On the contrary , he has pressed for a centralised federation in which Serbia would presumably play a dominant role .
16 Sometimes the image would only remain a few seconds .
17 As the data was applied to the design of each section , the various elements began magically to fit together ; most plants or animals would only fit a particular niche in the illustration .
18 This means that any water vapour would turn to ice , because its low gravity would only retain a tenuous atmosphere with very little carbon dioxide to help trap the much-reduced solar warmth .
19 Speaking in a Senate ( upper house ) debate on Martelli 's resignation , he said a bitter election campaign now would only create a destructive climate and lead to even more confusion .
20 The receptors are linked to the same area of the brain as the eyes , and so the fish can probably visualise these electric patterns , although they would only form a crude , shadowy image .
21 The government said that fuel supplies would only last a few weeks , but that meat and butter would run out within days .
22 He described the view that ‘ the Soviet Union would only accept a political settlement of the Afghan problem which would leave Afghanistan in its ‘ sphere of influence ’ ’ as ‘ very mistaken ’ .
23 She said they applied to be rehoused in 1982 and the delay was caused because they would only accept a two-bedroomed house in Allerton , a popular area with many applicants .
24 Delegates rejected the concept of a federal state and made it clear that they would only accept a proportional representation system based on one-person-one-vote in a unitary state .
25 The opposition again spurned an invitation to participate in a coalition government when round table talks resumed on Feb. 6 , and on the following day the leadership of the Bulgarian Agrarian People 's Union ( BAPU — the junior coalition partner in every government since the 1947 imposition of communist rule ) said that it would only join a new government of " national consensus " .
26 The Soviet Union would only permit a united Germany if that state was to be neutral , the argument went , and that way lay the old nightmare of a Germany swinging between East and West .
27 It would only take a certain kind of eyelashes or a whiff of one particular aftershave and I would be sick with love .
28 In this case the motherboard replacement is n't as clear cut a winner and it would only take a slight change , such as not being able to use the RAM , to make it look even worse .
29 It had been assumed that , because the journey would only take a few hours , it was better to be in the open air than in the dark and unventilated cargo holds .
30 So his results were preliminary but it would only take a few weeks ' work , using the neutron spectrometer , to know for sure .
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