Example sentences of "would [be] [to-vb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The statutes of Eurom , as the body would be known in abbreviation , stated that its main objective would be to represent the legal , social and cultural interests of the Europe 's 10,000,000 Romanies .
2 One possible solution would be to represent the relative influences of each analyser as a set of numerical weightings .
3 The first move of a Government committed to re-establishing full employment comprehensively would be to initiate a rolling programme of moving Civil Service jobs from areas of high employment , mainly in the South , to those of high unemployment , predominantly in the North .
4 Bukharin rejected this since he argued that to do so would be to disregard the historical character of the dictatorship of the proletariat .
5 One way would be to form a holding company to which both banks would issue shares in proportion to their shareholders ' funds .
6 To call this a ‘ life ’ cycle would be to beg an important question , but it is a cycle of a sort , and it shares with true life cycles the ability to initiate cumulative selection .
7 The likely effect of the additional tax would be to reverse the general direction of our increasingly motor-dependent patterns of activity , with all its attendant problems .
8 Article 6 has never been implemented and it is highly unlikely that it would be used in this way , especially as the consequence would be to release the offending State from those Charter principles that were not deemed to be customary international law .
9 My advice would be to telephone the genito-urinary clinic at your local hospital , or elsewhere if you prefer , and make an appointment for a check-up ( no doctor 's letter needed ) .
10 After the main battle , A Squadron 's tasks would be to harass the retreating enemy forces and signal bombing targets to the RAF .
11 Conversely , we could decide the question of whether a motorway should be built solely by considering whether landowners , whose property is to be acquired , will be properly compensated ; but to do so would be to ignore a large number of other important interests .
12 But that would be to ignore the taken-for-granted causal-corrective argument of left idealism : that ruling-class crime , like so-called working-class crime , can only be eliminated by the transition to socialism ; anything else would be useless tinkering .
13 To do so , however , would be to ignore the awkward problem of adequate representation for minority interests .
14 To deny the importance of the family as a source of care would be to ignore the accumulated evidence of several decades .
15 But , indeed , the whole general effect is to divorce Resident Tutors from the WEA ; the Resident Tutor would be excluded from urban areas , while on the other hand the WEA would be to say the least of it extremely circumscribed in rural areas .
16 He warned that the overall effect would be to drive the public back on to overcrowded roads .
17 One possible remedy would be to employ a time-varying parameter technique in estimation as in Browne and McNellis ( 1990 ) .
18 The Attorney-General raised a further constitutional point , namely , that for the court to use Parliamentary material in construing legislation would be to confuse the respective roles of Parliament as the maker of law and the courts as the interpreter .
19 This would be to substitute a judicial view as to , for example , the most appropriate way in which to allocate aid , or to disburse licences , for that of the public body .
20 Enabling Mac applications to run on the Intel architecture would be a major task , and it is suggested that the pair may look primarily to the base of Windows applications because while software emulation is feasible , the only efficient way to run Mac applications would be to include a 68000 co-processor .
21 Enabling Mac applications to run on the Intel architecture would be a major task , and it is suggested that the pair may look primarily to the base of Windows applications because while software emulation is feasible , the only efficient way to run Mac applications would be to include a 68000 co-processor .
22 ‘ I know you 're tight , Woody , ’ Finlayson said , ‘ but the only thing you could do for us now would be to shoot the old man .
23 In virtually every case the aim of causing upheaval is explicitly declared , because Labour 's aim would be to upset the bureaucratic order it inherits .
24 On Sunday afternoons the Vicar of Askrigg used to pass Semerwater on his way to take evensong in his other parish of Stalling Busk , and he often thought how pleasant it would be to hold an open air service on the shores of the lake .
25 When these targets had been achieved , with increased skill and investment levels showing up in higher productivity , the proposal would be to implement a higher national minimum wage for all workers , aiming for 60 per cent of average earnings over the following five years .
26 One possibility would be to evolve a qualified defence of killing under extreme emotional disturbance , following the lead of the Model Penal Code .
27 Secondly , to refuse to pay would be to deny the exalted status that Ephron and his fellow Hittites have accorded him .
28 What he would like even more would be to own the fine boat , the means to support the boat ; and the further means to enjoy a style of life which could so easily include a fine boat , because that would surely embrace fine horses , fine coaches , fine clothes : Wealth .
29 NATO 's objective would be to conclude the follow-on CFE and CSBM negotiations as soon as possible , looking ahead to the CSCE follow-up meeting in Helsinki in 1992 .
30 This is made easier by the shift in the ideological climate discussed earlier , since to be too soft on those convicted would be to prolong the permissive trend which had led to the high crime levels and the chronic economic problems .
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