Example sentences of "would [be] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 A meeting of ministers from the 16 German Länder in Dresden on Dec. 14 , 1990 , discussed the possible imposition of a quota for Soviet Jewish immigrants , but on Jan. 9 , 1991 , Wolfgang Schäuble , the German Interior Minster , announced that they would be handled on a " generous case-by-case basis " .
2 De Klerk also ordered the dismantling of the SSC secretariat , whose functions would be handled by a Cabinet committee for security matters .
3 Labour would be acquiescing in a ‘ democratic outrage ’ if it continued arguing that , because the Conservatives had got away with being undemocratic for so long , it was now Labour 's turn .
4 They would be cooked into a greasy stew with vegetables and served up looking exactly as they did when they were raw : pale and nauseatingly realistic , with the toes and claws intact .
5 These would be undertaken by a number of organizations .
6 Adjudication would be undertaken by a panel of distinguished doctors and psychiatrists and , to the delight of the press , he went on to say that the finals would be screened worldwide .
7 Of this , $50 million would be channelled through a World Bank fund .
8 Some years ago a number of philosophers of science and some scientists had the vision of a unified science in which all the separate disciplines would be integrated within a set of all-embracing , mutually coherent theories .
9 If they broke the vow a curse would ensue according to which they would be savaged by a bear , split apart by an axe , knifed to death or even choked by food .
10 However , he added , like all ministers , the Chancellor would be moving to a more environment-friendly machine in the fullness of time .
11 In his wish for a healthy city he was becoming more and more aware of rural virtues and leaning towards the sort of suspect organicism which would be developed with a vengeance by Leavis .
12 It would be displayed in a special gallery in the Palace of Arts and the proceeds from the small fee charged for admission would be added to the fund set up by the Queen for the benefit of her many charitable concerns .
13 Explicit collusion would involve the firms in talking to each other , explicitly agreeing to produce half the monopoly output each , and , quite possibly , agreeing also that deviation by one would be punished by a price war .
14 In a short , unexpected speech the King announced that the central commission would be chaired by a judge and would have an Interior Ministry representative and representatives chosen by each of the eight political parties represented in the Chamber of Representatives .
15 Institutions doing mainly advanced work would be funded on a programme basis , while those with only small amounts would be funded in respect of individual courses .
16 As a result they would accord the lower orders some respect and the arrogance which high status tends to encourage would be tempered with a degree of humility .
17 Faced with the reality that newspapers ( and television stations ) were no more than private organs for private gain , commentators could only hope that private ownership would be tempered by a social conscience .
18 The cumulative loan would be repaid through a private agency , the Student Loans Company , over a period of , say , 10 years .
19 Under the terms of the agreement the debt would be repaid over a 20-year period , at an interest rate on 5 per cent .
20 Up to 50 per cent of wages would be paid in rubels , which would be exchanged at a rate of one to 10 with the rouble .
21 Diana , they decided , would be painted as a sick woman with only a tenuous grasp of reality .
22 On the morning of 22 May , " therefore , 5 Corps divisional commanders had been authorised to use force to enforce the hand-overs of the Cossacks ( and that arrangements with the Russians would be confirmed at a meeting at Wolfsburg on 23 May ) .
23 The constitution would be confirmed by a referendum within 30 days .
24 A further 60 seats would be filled by a second vote in which electors would express their preference for political parties rather than individual candidates , with the seats being distributed in accordance with the proportion of the vote achieved by each party .
25 Coincidences happen daily in ‘ real life ’ which would be condemned in a mere story , so writers tend to avoid them .
26 In the latter case the operation would be repeated with a second set of tests .
27 In a letter to the council , Stuart McHardy of the campaign wrote that stones from all over Scotland and other parts of the world would be formed into a cairn on 10 April to mark the first anniversary of the Vigil for a Scottish Parliament on Regent Road .
28 Then , in a letter to the company 's London headquarters , he said that unless he was paid , items would be injected by a qualified chemist , causing ‘ pain , suffering and possibly death ’ to customers .
29 The strategy was originally conceived as far back as the late 1960's when it appeared to many of us that unless we obtained a greater command over our raw materials we would be exposed to a fatal squeeze from the oil companies , who were increasingly entering our own field of business .
30 But I do not accept the submission of Mr. Everall ’ — who appeared for the father — ‘ that she should go so far as to establish that by their return they would be exposed to a grave risk of harm to bring them within the ambit of article 13 ( b ) .
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