Example sentences of "would [verb] as a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ironically it was the former Labour prime minister Clement Attlee who persuaded Parliament to spend £2 million for a new royal yacht , claiming it would double as a hospital ship in war time .
2 It had been expected that a limited corp of staff would remain as a support unit after the last aircraft departs in January .
3 In the light of that , will he reconsider the abolition of vacation hardship allowance , especially as it was abolished in clear breach of undertakings given in the House that it would remain as a safety net following the abolition of social security provision ?
4 Then you would remain as a group and could observe your own customs , those which do not conflict with our law . ’
5 And he was certainly not the kind of man she would want as a father for her daughter !
6 This is many times what he would earn as a university graduate in Bangladesh .
7 In the event , the deal which has emerged in Taif has justified the general 's fears of what he would regard as a sell-out of the Maronite cause .
8 Darius Guppy , the best friend of Princess Diana 's brother , told his partner Ishan Dutta that Peter Hall would act as a minder on a trip to India .
9 The SLD members claimed the location of the proposed bridge would act as a drain and take employment away from the region to the Lothians as well as creating an ‘ environmental disaster ’ on both sides of the river .
10 There must be something she ate that would act as a cover for paraquat or whatever he was going to use .
11 A European political union is perhaps in the making but it is doubtful whether a European political union would act as a superpower — the task of co-ordinating military efforts , of ‘ speaking with a single voice ’ , may not even be worth attempting .
12 If it were abolished , it would act as a stimulus to exports and the Government would find Britain 's ‘ alarming ’ trade deficit reduced .
13 His opinion was that such a reduction would act as a stimulus to further development work , and recommended its immediate implementation .
14 But there were powerful pressure groups at work such as the militarist National Service League who were not slow to advance their cause by arguing that compulsory military training would act as a tonic against ‘ the physical and moral degeneracy attendant upon industrial civilisation ’ .
15 De Gaulle 's hope was that France 's withdrawal from NATO would act as a catalyst and speed up the process of change within both blocs .
16 Alliance councillor Larry Thompson warned that if such a motion was passed and implemented it would act as a catalyst encouraging other groups and organisations to apply for the same free waste collection .
17 They argued that it would act as a mirror " to reflect the desires , opinions and hardships of the Thai society " so as to promote unity , ensure that the population 's grievances were heard , and prevent future crises from undermining the country and its institutions .
18 So your your moth mum would act as a midwife ?
19 ‘ I was quite a young man , ’ said Lester , ‘ and Melvin Frank was quite experienced and assumed that I would act as a kind of surrogate director .
20 King Mswati III dissolved the Libandla ( Parliament ) on Oct. 9 , one month ahead of the scheduled end of its term , announcing that he would rule with " executive powers " with the help of the Cabinet , which would be converted into a council of ministers and would act as a caretaker government while a new constitution was drafted and elections were held .
21 Renewed executions , he suggested , would act as a deterrent to counter a recent upsurge in political violence ( more than 20 people had been assassinated in Turkey so for in 1990 ) .
22 Whether that would act as a deterrent is , of course , another question altogether .
23 On the basis of this and other studies , it has been suggested that a functional physiological specialisation does exist in the human colon , with the proximal segments representing sites of mixing and storage of contents , whereas the distal ones would act as a conduit to propel faeces to the rectal ampulla .
24 Furthermore , the government 's objective was not merely one of easing the market in land ; they were particularly concerned to encourage more private development , and even a low rate of development charge would act as a brake .
25 Perhaps , too , he may have believed that once the gloss on my love affair dimmed , his money would act as a reminder of the comforts to which I could return .
26 Frank Hepburn , assistant to the director , said : ‘ Because of the sense of bereavement at this unprecedented loss , it was decided to have a special programme of memorial events which would act as a focus for remembering them and help raise funds for charities with which they were associated .
27 2 ) To encourage each member to develop particular expertise so that s/he would act as a focus for training others .
28 The finished one would act as a cupboard , full of clean dishes and utensils , which would also save on storage units .
29 This would act as a barrier against damaging developments such as road-building schemes , as individual departments would find it more difficult to override conservation interests .
30 GFP 's vice chairman , David Holgate , said that the proposed twin bridges across the Clyde , beneath the Kingston Bridge , would increase congestion and a dual carriageway from Townhead to London Road would act as a barrier between the east end and the city centre .
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