Example sentences of "would [verb] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ironically it was the former Labour prime minister Clement Attlee who persuaded Parliament to spend £2 million for a new royal yacht , claiming it would double as a hospital ship in war time .
2 It had been expected that a limited corp of staff would remain as a support unit after the last aircraft departs in January .
3 In the light of that , will he reconsider the abolition of vacation hardship allowance , especially as it was abolished in clear breach of undertakings given in the House that it would remain as a safety net following the abolition of social security provision ?
4 Then you would remain as a group and could observe your own customs , those which do not conflict with our law . ’
5 She established herself firmly in her parents ' house once again , with the addition of her daughter , and decided that , as she did not appear at her very best when moving due to her injury , she would remain on a sofa all the time .
6 Galileo did have the insight to perceive that the effect was probably the same as that when a drop of water would remain on a cabbage leaf .
7 The US Representative for Trade Negotiations , Carla Hills , announced on April 28 , 1990 , that under Section 301 of the US Trade Act Thailand would remain on a priority watch list of countries which had not made enough progress in improving intellectual property protection .
8 The General Herborising was also conducted by the Demonstrator who led his more expert colleagues further afield , sometimes to the coast where they would remain for a couple of days or more .
9 Soon this was to be entered and then only Tibet and Ethiopia would remain for a time unresponsive to European politics , ideas and technology .
10 One does not imagine that the individual concerned would remain in a position of responsibility for very much longer . ’
11 And Jay would bathe in a glow of wonder that another human being could move her so .
12 Then the men-at-arms under the two banners , the King 's and the Earl 's , had waited outside , and the rest had got round the gate and walked talking inside : the King Macbeth with less meat on him , like a man who fed at sea , and Siward of Northumbria the way he always was , with his chest round as a shield under his tunic , and only his hair and beard greyer than you would think for a man not much past fifty .
13 Why , why was n't it enough that out of every experience that I mean like not much happens to the back of your neck like that , that 's one thing that I 'd even think about , I mean I 'm not any kind of historian , but like , like anything like the back of the neck I would think of a guillotine also .
14 Mhm , it 's got ta be a world record that I would think in a world cup .
15 ‘ He would hate the thought of getting on a chair to change a lightbulb , and would knock down a wall while trying to hang a picture , ’ Hamilton-Phillips says .
16 Because the amount at which the liability is initially recognised is reduced , compared with more conventional accounting , the finance charges over the term of the debt are increased , and would normally be similar to those which would arise on an issue of non-convertible debt .
17 ‘ Where a right , duty or liability would arise under a contract of sale of goods by implication of law , it may ( subject to the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 ) be negatived or varied by express agreement , or by the course of dealing between the parties , or by such usage as binds both parties to the contract . ’
18 ‘ Where a right , duty or liability would arise under a contract of sale of goods by implication of law , it may ( subject to the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 ) be negatived or varied by express agreement , or by the course of dealing between the parties , or by such usage as binds both parties to the contract . ’
19 2 ( a ) List the following documents in the order in which they would arise in a business transaction and state the purpose of each document :
20 I would prefer to a committee of people who have experience
21 Again , the tendency towards progressive improvement in gazelles would slow to a halt , were it not for the parallel tendency to improvement shown by their predators .
22 But the asymmetry of causal items and their effects is , of their very nature , a fact about them , a fact which would persist in a world devoid of desires , and , as might be added , a world devoid of our capability of bringing things about .
23 He had chosen this woman specifically because she was the sort she was — a simple type , immediately responsive to the baby , no outside involvements , so she was free to give her entire time to him , willing to do without time off while the baby was still on the breast , and not expecting the massive salary most women would want for a job like this .
24 And he was certainly not the kind of man she would want as a father for her daughter !
25 You could even have a do-it-yourself health farm treatment at home , by devoting your whole time to exercise , diet , sauna baths , or any of the programmes you would want from a health farm at about one-tenth of the cost .
26 All of which would make for a rave review , were it not for the fact that , for all their charm , the Jays ' every move oozes lamentable irrelevance .
27 In Britain , though , ever since his selection the media had become very excited about Allan Wells , almost willing him to win , to have the come-back that would make for a fairy-tale ending .
28 This is many times what he would earn as a university graduate in Bangladesh .
29 ‘ The kids would wake up early and he would disappear under a pile of wrapping paper .
30 What happened was , when we 'd go there to rehearse on a Friday night , he would disappear for an hour or so .
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