Example sentences of "would [verb] [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After a course of antibiotics in pregnancy , women will still be vulnerable to reinfection via sexual intercourse , while extension of prophylaxis to their spouses would double the cost without necessarily guaranteeing improved efficacy .
2 If worker-parkers had to pay $35 a month , it would double the cost of most commuting trips .
3 At the Huntsman 's Inn in Ide , Kent , the refurbishment proposals were to involve demolitions so extensive that all but a portion of the building 's external wall would be destroyed , the planned reconstruction included an extension that would double the size of the original structure .
4 This would double the number of advocates and could make fees more competitive .
5 The vicar and his team , led by outgoing churchwarden Robert Parker , envisage an extension which would double the width of the existing church , and which would include a parish office and a private room for counselling and other meetings .
6 Confined to their present role , trade unions would remain a response to the exploitation , actual or hypothetical , of employees by employers — a response which meritocratic benevolence would , if performance matched intention , progressively reduce to a satisfied silence .
7 Under this Mrs Thatcher and Dr FitzGerald agreed that Northern Ireland would remain a part of the United Kingdom according to the wishes of its majority , but that ministers from Britain and the Republic would meet regularly to review political and security aspects .
8 In contrast to earlier fears that the ‘ special relationship ’ might have been in jeopardy , he said he had no doubt that the president would remain a friend of Britain and that the relationship between the pair could not be more easy .
9 My right hon. and learned Friend the Attorney-General has made it clear that the law is not suspended and therefore it would remain a matter for local authorities if they wished to bring actions .
10 Yet , until that capacity could be built , it seemed , power cuts in winter would remain a fact of life .
11 But sometimes mysteries are more intriguing than explanations , and the swans on the blue lake , like the creatures on the golden cloud , would remain a mystery for ever in Little Billy 's memory .
12 Inevitably there was a lot of sycophantic non sense around her too.Thus when she made a blood donation , the director of the clinic declared that the room would remain a shrine for her and everyone who now had a transfusion would insist that it was her divine blood that flowed and miraculously and potently into his veins .
13 First , it recommended that local authorities should be made responsible for all long-term care of mentally handicapped and physically handicapped people , except for the rare few in need of permanent 24-hour medical supervision , who would remain the responsibility of the NHS .
14 Its key provisions were that ( i ) foreign , defence and monetary policy would remain the responsibility of the federation ; ( ii ) the two republics would be represented equally in federal bodies ; ( iii ) each republic would have the right to sign international treaties in areas of regional concern ( to be defined in a future constitution ) ; and ( iv ) each republic would have the right to leave the federation after a referendum .
15 If an agency relationship were accepted , there would remain the problem of the extent of the Council 's authority as agent .
16 The second part dealt with mixed foil and stated that the ownership of the sellers would transfer from the foil used in the manufacture to the finished products and that these would remain the property of the sellers until full payment had been made to them .
17 When all was degenerating into ritual farcical chaos around him , Lynn would remain the essence of sweet reason , achieving an almost transcendental calm and tranquillity partly because he retained an almost permanent inability to grasp the realities around him .
18 The EC favoured further opening up of the customer equipment market ; a separation of the regulatory and operational functions of the telephone authority ; a more cost-oriented pricing of services ; the major network and a small number of basic services would remain the monopoly of the telecoms administration .
19 You could see them squatting on their hams silhouetted around bonfires ; sometimes one of the figures would throw a lump of dried buffalo-dung on to the flames .
20 Now they became the precious material for the new sciences of ethnology and prehistory ; they were priceless documents which , once deciphered , would throw a flood of light on human evolution and progress .
21 ‘ For purely practical reasons we do not permit debates in either House to be cited : it would add greatly to the time and expense involved in preparing cases involving the construction of a statute if counsel were expected to read all the debates in Hansard , and it would often be impracticable for counsel to get access to at least the older reports of debates in Select Committees of the House of Commons ; moreover , in a very large proportion of cases such a search , even if practicable , would throw no light on the question before the court .
22 They would throw the ball against a wall , do one or more twirls and still have time to catch when it came down .
23 Then , after watching Knocker slink back behind the bar , she would throw the drunk out herself .
24 She quoted an education lecturer , " if Risinghill were a country place , the natural conditions of rural life would throw the teacher into the community , but in London social conditions do not do this ; unless you see it as a need , you would go along quite happily thinking the community is not part of your job " ( Berg 1968:273 ) .
25 It proposed not a planned economy in which the State would direct resources but a managed one where the State would influence the use of resources through its fiscal policy .
26 Finally , until recently , gynaecologists recognised only the classic blue-black lesion as being endometriosis and if diagnosis was restricted to this appearance and to severe cases this would influence the effect of age on the risk of endometriosis reported in this study .
27 Precisely how these new popular energies would influence the world of high politics could not be anticipated : perhaps the movement would have to wait for one of Cobden 's ‘ accidents ’ .
28 They feared the approval of this first section would influence the inquiry on the remainder of the line .
29 This study aimed to investigate whether changes in the type ofdietary fat would influence the susceptibility of the duodenal mucosa to acid induced lesions .
30 But in a pragmatist society he would have to predict whether the judges would be likely to consider his case as one in which the virtues of predictability were less important than the substance of the law , and whether , if they thought substance more important , they would think a decision for him better or worse for the community .
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