Example sentences of "would [verb] [noun sg] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So for once the sort of comment John would make face to face with other collaborators is actually recorded .
2 Their initial abuse would give way to laughter when they understood we were looking for a prahu which would carry us eastwards .
3 ( a ) The Criminal Law Revision Committee 's Eighth Report , Theft and Related Offences , Cmnd 2977 , 1966 , 41 , on which the 1968 Act was based , envisaged that some fact situations would give rise to liability under both ss.1 and 15 .
4 A failure to carry out necessary work would give rise to liability .
5 However , firms already have to face uncertainty in the context of UCTA and the criteria used to assess whether a duty of care which would give rise to liability in tort is owed .
6 In 1829 Elie de Beaumont put forward the idea that the Earth is contracting and argued that compressional stresses set up in the crust as a result of the cooling of the Earth 's interior would give rise to faulting , folding and thickening of the crust , and eventually to the formation of mountain ranges .
7 Mr Bennett said the cash aid delay would give time to work-up a scheme ‘ satisfactory to all parties ’ .
8 For the reverse engineering provisions to have any real effect , the word " substantial " would have to be interpreted in a quantitative sense which would run counter to copyright law .
9 They would transform madness to lunacy and cure it with the three Ms : method , meat and morality .
10 As an alternative to imprisonment , the courts would have discretion to sentence offenders , with their consent , to between forty and 240 hours of community service work .
11 Keynote speaker Andy Grove , CEO of Intel , announced that by the end of this year , every PC user would have access to software based video compression and decompression .
12 I would walk north to south , with the wind on my back , and raise sponsorship for the sort of people I had met in Nigeria .
13 Having now met each other , it seemed that everywhere I went on camp I would come face to face with him , usually with his entourage of armourers fanning out behind him .
14 But she could not see all the way , it was feasible that he was on a lower flight and she would come face to face with him .
15 In a few hours she would come face to face once more with that same man who was responsible for his death and this time she was intent on making absolutely sure that what had been a teenage crush on her part remained just that .
16 Indeed , social morality leaders came to believe that earlier marriages would discourage resort to prostitution .
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