Example sentences of "would [verb] [adv] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 All the corporation has suggested so far is a vague road and landscaping scheme that would affect only part of the pub garden and car park .
2 The articulatory loop should also be seldom used since it would slow down processing of a message whose speed is beyond the control of the interpreter .
3 On May 19 Petar Beron , the UDF secretary , claimed during a tour of Western countries that the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary Douglas Hurd was preparing a European Community ( EC ) declaration which would rule out assistance for communist governments .
4 The law envisaged the denationalization of 40-50 per cent of state assets by the end of 1992 , rising to 60-70 per cent by 1995 , which would bring in revenue of up to 400,000 million roubles .
5 Any attack on him would bring down excommunication on you .
6 So but the residual element which would carry on south through Harrogate is
7 According to Soviet sources , however , the US side had softened its previous position that Najibullah would have to be removed from power before elections could be held , and was now considering a compromise under which he would remain President but would give up control of the military , the security police and the media to non-partisan bodies .
8 Erm if you recall in our managements ' erm in our discussions when I presented the last the last minutes of the er s the subcommittee which has purchased the ground , we agreed to erm co er co-work with two other two of the clubs sports clubs to establish a management committee , which we would then hope would take over management of the ground from the parish council .
9 Labour 's proposed Department for Legal Administration would take over responsibility for courts and tribunals ; court procedures ; organisation , training and appointment of the legal profession , magistracy and judiciary ; legal aid ; legal services ; and the Sentencing Council .
10 It would sit for a limited period , probably less than six months , and would take over responsibility for those areas of state operation essential for impartial elections including the security forces , a limited budgetary role , the state-owned media and the conduct of the elections themselves .
11 The announcement that Mr Hunt , as current Employment Secretary , would take over responsibility for women 's affairs was made at last week 's Tory Women 's Conference and sparked outrage from Labour MPs and women 's lobby groups .
12 ‘ They felt their needs had never been dealt with and a group would take away attention from their problem , ’ she says .
13 The military government in Burma said it would hand over power to the pro-democracy opposition which took an overwhelming lead in the elections for the National Assembly .
14 Her hair , her most striking feature , would change dramatically week by week from ash-blonde to lurid russet and spiky black to parti-coloured green and pink .
15 We shall say the same if , when the testator had instituted a sole heir , for the sake of the person who would be heir on intestacy he wrote ‘ I ask in place of the estate which I left to you , which would pass on intestacy to my brother , that you be content with 100 gold pieces . '
16 Erm having produced that report and having erm er done the follow up on it , it does n't seem to me that it would be reasonable for the general assembly to expect that the Board would come back year after year with repetitions of what we 've already said , and that 's why the commissioner notices that erm we do n't report this year on child abuse .
17 Your gradient would be would come out sort of all wrong then .
18 She inspected the rooms and found them perfectly tolerable and assured Wilson the ladies would require only coffee in the morning and would otherwise dine elsewhere .
19 Palace courtiers often aligned themselves with one or other marriage partner and that would stir up trouble between them .
20 If the plan goes through , the mine would push further west from the workings acquired when Wheal Jane lined up with a second mine , Mount Wellington , a couple of years ago .
21 We believe that a Conservative Government , putting the provision of homes above the sanctity of unpractical doctrines , could stimulate a rate of building which would rise rapidly year by year .
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