Example sentences of "there have be a number " in BNC.

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1 Since that time there has been a number of extensions put on it .
2 There has been a number of close calls this year like the recent UFF attack on the bookmakers in North Belfast , ’ said a detective .
3 We also gave other reasons at the time , erm principally the road , because the access fronting onto the A forty four there by the proposed site , there 'd been a number of accidents and during the consultation period there were actually two people killed bang opposite the proposed entrance to that site at Swingswang .
4 But there 've been a number of changes over the years , certainly prior to nineteen seventy four that would be the case , water boards supplying water , local councils treating treating the sewage , and the rivers authorities looking after the river pollution aspects .
5 He says over the last few years there 've been a number of applications by local people who live and work in the area and want to stay here and they 've been refused permission to build on their own land for single dwellings and we think it would be terribly unfair if Redlands could come in and build a whole new estate , doubling the size of the village .
6 There had been a number of bankruptcies , and several mill owners left the trade .
7 During the week there had been a number of calls to the flat .
8 There was no intention of converting Purley Depôt to a bus garage , as although of a more regular shape , its only entrance was on a busy part of the main Brighton Road and over the years there had been a number of near misses with other traffic , when trams were entering or leaving and the local press had conducted a campaign against its dangerous location .
9 There had been a number of Japanese businessmen in the town whose interests appear also to have been ‘ other than commercial ’ .
10 However , there had been a number of complaints from parents about the increasingly firm discipline in the school .
11 Prior to the introduction of the T.4 there had been a number of fatal accidents with aircraft crashing short of the runway on approach and this was attributed to lack of familiarity with the effects of acceleration .
12 So , over the years there had been a number of leather bags added to those under the loose floor boards beneath the bed in which she now spent her nights and , in her time , expected to die …
13 Since then there had been a number of regional conferences of communist parties , such as the meeting of Latin American parties in 1975 and of European parties in 1976 and 1980 , but many parties refused to attend even these more limited gatherings in case they compromised their organisational independence .
14 Earlier in March there had been a number of developments in the on-going extradition dispute .
15 Other blackspots included Colburn Lane , with heavy rush hour traffic ; Tunstall Lane in Colburn ; a blind spot and a dangerous junction beside the racecourse at Catterick Bridge ; and a hazardous crossroads at Gatherley , where there had been a number of accidents .
16 Police refused to confirm how many people had been arrested , saying only that there had been a number of arrests for public order offences .
17 He said there had been a number of occasions in the past two years where a helicopter from Prestwick had failed to reach the area due to low cloud , while Lossiemouth helicopters frequently had to make considerable detours round the east coast .
18 She had lived in the flat for about six months and , according to neighbours , there had been a number of disturbances to which police had been called .
19 In the past there have been a number of problems with spin recoveries with light aircraft .
20 Over the years there have been a number of fatal towplane accidents caused by gliders getting too high and jerking the towplane into a steep dive .
21 Recently there have been a number of mergers between these companies which have increased this financial pressure .
22 There have been a number of significant turning points in the career of Sir Robert Haslam , which he describes as ‘ negative accidents ’ , but which turned out to have very positive results .
23 More recently , there have been a number of attempts to capture and characterize the patterns that are actually emerging in departmental organizations .
24 There are often complaints of bullying in primary schools and there have been a number of research studies that have highlighted the problem .
25 Unfortunately there have been a number of cases where monies raised by voluntary activities have gone missing and , because the school is linked by name to the parents ' organisation , the schools ' reputation has suffered .
26 There have been a number of major scandals , the most significant being the Nye Bevan Lodge investigation in 1988 , in which residents were found to have been illegally deprived of their money , made to queue naked for baths , and subjected to other practices which included physical and sexual assault .
27 Over the years there have been a number of relief organists amongst whom are .
28 With regard to the links between criminal behaviour and inherited characteristics , there have been a number of theoretical explanations suggesting an association between criminality and particular personality characteristics .
29 There have been a number of published attempts to provide solutions to the cross-area aggregation , or ‘ areal interpolation ’ problem ( Goodchild and Lam 1980 ; Lam 1983 ) .
30 There have been a number of critiques of the IIA concept ( Tym , 1977 ; Topham , 1978 ; Etherington , 1987 ) .
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