Example sentences of "there [is] such [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There 's such a variety of landscapes , it 's like a new world . ’
2 Nothing is more certain than that there will be injuries and that one or two will lose some form before April , but there 's such a depth in the Highbury squad that this wo n't be a problem .
3 There 's such a wealth of material and talent in Northern Ireland — I 'd like to see more producers coming to us with ideas and telling us what they want to do , not waiting for us to tell them what we want
4 Er , there 's such a change , tremendous change in the general attitudes of the people .
5 Everybody 's completely different and there 's such a tendency not to study people really and to simply think of them as all exactly the same , ‘ You 're 75 and you 're old and you 've got to put up with that .
6 Yeah it 's one thing that er we have to reem reemphasize to people and usually I do it on the phone , that if people have got businesses erm the way look at it there 's such a commitment by this company
7 I 'm not dismissing your desire for a baby but you should ask yourself why there 's such a gap in your life .
8 There 's such a gap between the rich and the poor , ’ gnashes Martin .
9 There 's such a gap between the rich and the poor , ’ gnashes Martin .
10 And now there 's su , there 's such a gap a blooming draft comes in
11 One is the reasons why there 's such a difference , a and two is do we need to take any action ?
12 really cos there 's such a cross section of conversation going on , it 's really funny there 's this bit in the car when we went outside with the mike and on a at Claire 's party and er erm like there 's me talking to Claire really loudly like across the car and Frank talking to Nigel across the front and he speakers were up here and there 's just a whaaaaaaa this massive rabble going on .
13 There 's such a lot of you way down somewhere .
14 Crook added : ‘ People might be saying this is the beginning of the end of our challenge , but There 's such a lot more to come from us .
15 After a while he said , " There 's such a lot I do n't know . "
16 There 's such a lot of er erm extraordinary sayings in this er epistle .
17 " There 's such a lot to look at .
18 Now let me just work through this with you so as er wh you know it 's unfortunate there 's such a lot in these things that er
19 There 's such a lot of work goes into them .
20 I think it 's because there 's such a lot of mixed people here now .
21 and the doctors was selling them to rich Romanians and things like that so there 's such a lot of corruption in the country .
22 It 's awful really when you think there 's such a lot of people got away with it all
23 And he 's travelling along the road and the next thing there 's such a bang and it would n't go any further !
24 That sounds very snooty , as tequila is n't cheap in this country , but there 's such a snob value on Tequila Gold these days that ordinary mescal juice simply wo n't do .
25 ‘ Either I 'm mad or people reincarnate , or there 's such a thing as possession , or …
26 ‘ What I say , constable , is ’ — and now it was Arthur speaking — ‘ there 's such a thing as 'arassment , that 's what they 've told me when I 've been up afore the old bloke .
27 There 's such a thing as greed , Emily , and sad to say brothers are capable of hating each other , take Cain and Abel for example . ’
28 The guy went mad at him saying , ‘ How dare you say there 's such a thing as prejudice ! ’
29 Then I 'll call a district meeting where I 'll get other branches together erm shop stewards and that , and I 'll pass this information , I 've let them know there 's such a thing as .
30 But , erm I think they could instead have an electric fox , if there 's such a thing ?
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