Example sentences of "there [vb past] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Mongu Town , where I was born , there lived a merry maid , up high in banana tree ! ’
2 Once upon a time , in the heart of Russia , there lived an old peasant woman called Babushka .
3 Gradually there arose a faint humming from outside the tent as people gathered to talk and speculate , so it seemed as if those left inside were surrounded by a swarm of curious but not unfriendly bees .
4 But Exodus 1.8 read , ‘ Now there arose a new king over Egypt , who did not know Joseph , ’ and then began the story of Egyptian brutality and oppression to which we have already referred , and after that we are back with the tales of the Israelites ' stubborn complaining in the wilderness with which we have become so familiar .
5 Shortly after I arrived , there arose a new topic for conversation .
6 And there arose a fierce gale of wind and the waves were breaking over the boat so much that the boat was already filling up and he himself was in the stern asleep on the cushion .
7 Then there arose a pseudo-medical belief that there was a special vein running from the heart to the third finger of the left hand , and that clinched matters .
8 As Spaniards came face to face with their country 's impotence , backwardness and inescapably second-class status , there arose a confused chorus of demands for the ‘ regeneration ’ of what was widely seen as a ‘ decadent ’ nation .
9 As the thinking in the Schools Council unfolded , so there arose a growing desire that as much attention should be paid to the means of effecting change as to what those changes should be .
10 William 's second and eponymous son was educated at the School before transferring to Westminster and thence to Cambridge and a career in politics as leader of the Jacobite squires in the House of Commons ; his younger brother , Robert , went directly from School to Merton College , Oxford , and there pursued an academic career , becoming Vice Chancellor of that University .
11 Some time that year there occurred a famous meeting at the Vienna Café , in New Oxford Street near the British Museum , when Pound as Binyon 's ‘ bulldog ’ met Wyndham Lewis as the ‘ bulldog ’ of T. Sturge Moore .
12 There occurred a doctrinal slide in the Presbyterian seminaries in the direction of Arminianism and low views of the inspiration and authority of Scripture .
13 Then in 1771 he moved to Cromford ( q.v. ) in Derbyshire , and there built a large cotton mill powered by water , which led to his spinning machine being called the ‘ Water Frame ’ .
14 At the far edge of the peat bog there rose a peculiar outcrop of limestone .
15 After 1956 , with the Soviet cause politically and morally bankrupt , there came a gradual softening of the brutal Stalinist line of the immediate postwar years .
16 Then from out there where Slorne 's gaze had led him , from out of the dark moonlit sky , there came a distant calling of a name , a place , a power , and it was like a great presence he could only feel and not see , and it cast itself over him , and over his cage , and over the whole Zoo , and over more than that .
17 Behind him the dogs bayed in triumph , then suddenly there came a terrible scream which clutched Corbett 's heart — a cry of dreadful despair .
18 After the strike by Madrid cleaners , there came a two-day stoppage by workers in the hotel industry .
19 He was just scooping the lard out of the trout mask when there came a violent knocking at the bedroom door .
20 As Rincewind stared at the crowd , with sensations of prickly horror travelling up his spine , there came a gentle prod in the small of his back .
21 But during the second half of the century there came a new approach to physiology , involving chemistry .
22 After the two men had served more than six years in prison , there came a new twist to the case .
23 But , almost at the end of the ascent , there came a new series of alarming jerks and they juddered to a halt once more .
24 One eye-witness account noted : ‘ At twelve noon , when the horses were pulling the Indian , there came a great gust of wind , and after this a rain shower which made everyone , including the soldiers , run for cover at great speed .
25 Once production was under way there came a great demand for the engines from the ore mines of Cornwall .
26 There came a hissing sound and the ducks turned to see a swan cruising towards them .
27 There came a muffled exclamation and a curse .
28 Silver was almost at the crest when suddenly , from half-way up , there came a high screaming — the sound a rabbit makes , not to call for help or to frighten an enemy , but simply out of terror .
29 In the morning there came an ominous indication , although it still could be but threat .
30 The company had seated themselves again , and conversation was just beginning to resume , when there came an authoritative rapping of knuckles upon wood and M. Dupont had risen to his feet .
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