Example sentences of "there [be] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , there are not a lot of good directors around .
2 There are not a lot of jobs you can get without a work permit , being a Registered Alien like me .
3 When examining racial representation in films made in this country , it quickly becomes apparent that there are not the plethora of images such as exist in American mainstream cinema , nor , consequently , the range of relevant theoretical and analytical critical work available for study .
4 There are not the chances around these days as there were some years ago .
5 ‘ Often on these wards there are not the resources to deal with the specific needs of children , ’ said Foster .
6 But horses for courses you see there are not an option cos he wo n't move from Scotland and there 's not reason why he should do and so you can forget anybody north of forget anybody in area
7 There are n't a quarter of the members there are supposed to be .
8 Receive erm there are there are n't a lot of other words that do have C in well there are but they 're quite sort of awkward words like try deceive .
9 Because I do n't think wages for housework is the same thing as saying that when women have to give up their jobs when their kids are little , or if there are n't no nurseries , that they should have bigger family allowances , that is n't the same as saying wages for housework , is it ?
10 There are n't no other round here .
11 Which means there are n't no snakes here right now . ’
12 It is part of life but er wha sa so is death and so is schooling , and so is education , and and all these issues are social , social issues , they are only problems when there are n't the resources to help support people who need support .
13 I 've always tried to keep too clear of foreign riders as you well know , but erm there are n't the riders around that you can slip in erm of the sort that we would want to put in .
14 There are n't the players on the staff to put pressure on those in the team to perform .
15 If there are n't the doctors to run it , it 's not much of a hospital .
16 There are n't the hours in the day , ten to eleven , your Mum 's coming at half past twelve .
17 I think it would be a crying shame if the country pub disappeared but they need customers and there are n't the customers around that there were in the past . ’
18 You can offer pralines , cakes and so on , but there 's no point — there are n't the ingredients to make them out of ’ .
19 I think it 's more difficult now to get that basis of status and confidence for new teachers coming in to the profession , it only because there are n't the promotions or the movement of new jobs .
20 There are n't the words .
21 There are probably a number of books with the Coats bookplate , many in Gaelic , to be found in private collections .
22 I know I 've made a lot of mistakes and there are probably a lot of things I should be sorry about but I would n't change my life , I would make the same mistakes because they 've taught me so much .
23 We can observe a familiar transition from a relatively general training , in these highly valued skills , to degrees of specialization and professionalization in more complex societies , but some forms of specialization seem to be remarkably early and , on the other hand , there are probably no societies in which relatively general training in forms of these basic skills is not attempted .
24 But there are just a couple that — ’
25 Erm there are just a couple of points that the director has n't touched on erm because they 're probably outside his direct remit .
26 They may encompass whole villages or a small hamlet in which there are just a scattering of modest but pretty cottages and a few barns .
27 Even more remarkable is the fact that across the personal computer platforms there are just a handful of players and products that are accepted .
28 There are also no plans for a record though , again , things could change . ’
29 There are also no packaging shortages .
30 There are also no guarantees that the reduced level of funds provided by Government will actually be spent on training .
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