Example sentences of "there [verb] [be] [art] long " in BNC.

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1 Since then there has been a long decline .
2 Recently there has been a long ambulance drivers ' strike .
3 There has been a long debate as to whether Severn Mill was operated as a tide mill , the general opinion now seeming to favour this idea .
4 There has been a long tradition of professional marketing activities by a wide spectrum of non-profit making organisations including political parties , the Health Education Council with its anti-smoking campaign , the Right to Read programme , Oxfam , Christian Aid and the Salvation Army .
5 There has been a long , ongoing battle between alternative medical practice and orthodox medicine — with the establishment maintaining the upper hand .
6 Most of this is in the northwest where there has been a long history of land-use , involving both degradation and successful reclamation .
7 There has been a long resistance to accepting that , in spite of the logical stringency with which laws in science are formulated , interrelated and tested , their origin has never ceased to be the same .
8 There has been a long and fruitful interplay between the two branches : Pure Mathematics develops methods used in Applied Mathematics ; Applied Mathematics has in turn raised problems which have ultimately led to the creation of whole areas of Pure Mathematics .
9 There has been a long and rather pointless debate on this question .
10 Mr Foster said : ‘ There has been a long period of uncertainty which always causes problems .
11 Within education there has been the long standing view that the individual teacher is the key resource to developing and delivering a high quality service .
12 Although there had been a long established tradition of community and private forestry schemes , it was not until the launching of the Saemol Undong ( or New Community Movement ) in 1970 that it was possible to conceive of a nation-wide forestry policy and programme .
13 There had been a long struggle .
14 There had been a long time when he had been surrounded by wire and bars .
15 However , there had been a long and consistent course of dealing which was adhered to on this occasion .
16 There had been a long list of such casualties in Libby 's life , this was just another .
17 There had been the long drift through cold spring into hot summer ; the long sinking into the mercies and bossiness of her friends and thence into the arms of the medical profession ; the final humiliation of accepting , because she was too inert to refuse , money from Rachel .
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