Example sentences of "all [det] [be] go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I could check us into a motel out of town you give the number to the Liaison Office I 'll give it to my office and hope their nasty little mints think that 's all that 's going on . ’
2 Knives chopping carrots , spoons mixing in spices , rolling-pins rolling out the dough , bubbling pans … there is lots of interesting and colourful action in a well run kitchen , enlivened now and again by the peering of children 's eyes over the table-top at all that is going on .
3 He may not know a word of Burmese but he will share a fag with the interested Burman who is watching all that is going on , and as they puff away together contentedly , something intangible will pass from the one to the other .
4 Venetian blinds of furrows ripple down his forehead as his every external body activities mirror all that is going on in his head .
5 The minor planning applications do not fall into the Associations remit although Ruth Wilson keeps an eye on all that is going on .
6 The minor planning applications do not fall into the Associations remit although Ruth Wilson keeps an eye on all that is going on .
7 All that is going on now and we do well to remind ourselves of it .
8 As long as the statutory racist laws inflicted on us remain , then all that is going on is rubbish .
9 … those countries which I could not visit in my proper person , I have so attentively read about , that as I turn round a globe I can almost fancy that I know the appearance and characters of the portions of the great world itself which lie mapped out under my eye , and observe all that is going forward on its surface .
10 But you could n't feel smug about filling up your tank with unleaded while all that was going on .
11 Leopold continued to keep Mozart and his mother apprised of all that was going on in Salzburg , including accounts of performances of Mozart 's compositions .
12 There , she was high up above the woods , but instead of being able to see all that was going on below for miles around , as she had expected , all she could see was — leaves !
13 When Zita Hirschhorn heard her name , so little acquainted was she with all that was going on , she cried out : ‘ Ich bin verkauft ’ ( ‘ I am sold ’ ) .
14 One Saturday morning , some two weeks after Mrs Frizzell 's encounter with Mrs Stych , Mr Frizzell was seated at his office desk in a glassed-in area above the garage proper , from whence he could see all that was going on at both back and front of his property .
15 Sister told me to wait outside her open duty-room door and watch all that was going on .
16 For some reason I felt detached from all that was going on , presumably because I was tired and drunk .
17 Of course this does n't cover everything , this simple schema — Bye-bye , Mummy , Whittingtonesque entry to London — was n't all that was going on , oh no .
18 Now he felt he would burst if he could n't impart all that was going on in his mind .
19 The task of the Prime Minister was unremitting , for he was on duty every minute of the day and night and must know all that was going on in the Government .
20 But I could not possibly desert the grace of Christ and accept the views of foolish men who were completely ignorant of all that was going on within me .
21 How long has all this been going on , behind my back ? ’
22 Another thing , while all this is goin' on , what about the danger of passin' traffic gettin' caught in crossfire ? ’
23 While all this is going on , far away to the north the volunteers of the Royal Engineers have arrived and are getting straight down to work .
24 While all this is going on , the computer salesperson will repeatedly use the customer 's Christian name : ‘ Now , John , you see that when I do this with the mouse …
25 Where is Summerchild , while all this is going on ?
26 ‘ And what the hell were ye doin' when all this was goin' on ? ’ he demanded harshly .
27 ‘ While all this was going on I began work on Corrections and Police , two magazines founded by the Ford Foundation .
28 When all this was going on I left my job as a bank clerk to work as a messenger .
29 While all this was going on , Stewart remained impassive .
30 While all this was going on , the police had made several arrests , and the Department of Trade and Industry decided to interview the 16 witnesses all over again .
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