Example sentences of "all [verb] the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It all goes the same way , ’ he said .
2 It all goes the same way whe when we went on holiday in O end of Octob end of October it goes
3 It all goes the same way does n't it ?
4 At the flops , the bums all eat the same thing .
5 So you 're all singing the same song .
6 They all make the same point , and it is a reasonable one , that manhours means manhours and evermore shall do so .
7 " Do they all make the same sort of voyages ? "
8 So , for example , in the England of the seventeenth century , Anglicans , Puritans , Presbyterians and others all made the same appeal to the Bible ; but their different convictions about what the Bible was chiefly saying often seemed more prominent than their shared allegiance to it .
9 For example , the words ’ made ’ , ’ making ’ and ’ makes ’ are all assigned the same index as the word ’ make ’ .
10 The rich , the good , the pretty , the blessed all shared the same fate as the poor , the bad , the ugly , the deprived .
11 If you were the mum and you brought these pizzas in and there was four people sitting there when you 've got six pizzas and they all want the same size .
12 ‘ Apparently she 's seen plenty of specialists and they all say the same thing — she 's blind because she refuses to see . ’
13 All show the same pattern of generally high proportions of cranial and postcranial elements and low proportions of isolated teeth .
14 unc Consider as partitioned , the solution is ( see ( 2 ) ) unc and unc so that the equations are consistent ; if they are taken any two at a time , the three cases all yield the same answer .
15 Therefore , the ultimate haemostatic rate may be higher if they all received the same injection again .
16 Then you went on to the next thing you all done the same thing over and over again .
17 We may of course get different amounts of utility if our tastes differ , but we all consume the same quantity .
18 Between Fort Worth and Dallas he found the nomads wandering from motel to motel , ‘ the tuneless gipsies of the machine age ’ , along roads lined with trailer courts , gas stations , second-hand car dealers , supermarkets , drive-in banks , movie theatres and restaurants , all serving the same food , movies , television , songs and cigarettes .
19 I think there 's been surprisingly little er perhaps it 's a slightly romantic notion , but I think it 's it 's got something to do with , you 're all enduring the same kind of misery together .
20 We 've all got the same money .
21 When you go to places like in the big stores the staff have all got the same type of apron er overall .
22 Okay well I 'll I 'll do a I 'll do a note on on the various headings that I 've made so we 've all got the same piece of paper .
23 There were many tracks all going the same way , each searching for a firmness absent from the rest .
24 In other words while the public may have all watched the same news they did n't all see it in the same way .
25 They all face the same problem : their strength traditionally lay in parish life , traditional communities , and what the sociologists call ‘ cultural embeddedness ’ .
26 Everybody 's had a , and they 've all used the same word , apart from Peter who goes a bi little bit further than
27 All wear the same type of loose shroud , a garment similar to a long nightshirt with draw-strings at the neck and wrists and a cuff deep enough to cover the hand while leaving the fingers exposed .
28 I 've never had anything like that before they all look the same ma
29 Even Trollope has his abbey , although he despised both Disraeli 's challenge to Young England and his novels : ‘ To me they have all had the same flavour of paint and unreality … a feeling of stage properties … and that pricking of the conscience which must be the general accompaniment of paste diamonds . ’
30 Under thunderheads , beneath cloudcover like a coated tongue with a doctor 's pencil-torch playing on it , as in A dark carnival , we protest the Vietnam War , with vivified , uplifted faces , with the press of bodies all moving the same way , and with that sense of being both lost and right , lost and right .
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