Example sentences of "all [noun] [verb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 All attempts to link the countries more closely together through the Council of Europe , the most appropriate body because of the wide spread of its membership , did not get very far .
2 ( WESLEY ) The voles are foiling all attempts to landscape the banks of the motorway .
3 Has the manager at all times respected the wishes and aspirations of the artist ?
4 It is important here to stress that it is not just hitting to the target that is foremost , but at all times moving the feet to take the ball in one bounce .
5 At all times respect the wishes of residents who do not wish to join in activities .
6 BGS has to be ready at all times to supply the wants of the market for geoscience and to be aware of potential sources of income , marketing efforts , public relations and promotional activities will be focused more on the commercial sector .
7 On Nov. 14 , 1989 , a new left-wing grouping , Justice , Peace , Democracy ( Sprawiedliwose-Postep-Demokratcja ) , was founded , open to all groups supporting the values of democratic socialism .
8 Hand guns were issued to all personnel guarding the convoys of lorries .
9 Given that not all subjects knew the junctions well previously this is not very surprising .
10 The UN Security Council passed a swift and unanimous resolution , on June 3rd , calling on all parties to respect the results .
11 At that time a determined campaign backed by parents and many MPs of all parties caused the proposals to be dropped .
12 If he did not move promptly on all matters affecting the lands , dues , and privileges of his church , there was no Lanfranc to come to his aid .
13 To wit , the kind of speed on to man and ball and to the breakdown which would in itself render it a great deal more difficult for the All Blacks to make the Lions ' pack look heavy-footed to the point of statuesque .
14 encouraging all parents to see the dangers of condoned truancy by describing pupil time off school in easily understood and immediate terms , for example in terms of work missed ( eg 20 English lessons and 20 maths lessons ) rather than as a poor attendance rate ( eg 60% ) .
15 Hoping to find important documents , the special ‘ capture group ’ of the Moscow and Russian departments of the ministry of internal affairs arrived at the central committee buildings at 4pm and ordered all workers to quit the buildings without briefcases within an hour , leaving their doors and safes open .
16 All Montparnasse knew the stories of Simone and Beatrice .
17 But seriously , folks , we ca n't sit around here all day entertaining the troops , there 's a war to be won .
18 She ran from the room and up to her bedroom where the windows were kept open all day to destroy the germs .
19 The Sunday before the private view , Modigliani , Zborowski and Berthe Weill spent all day hanging the paintings and drawings .
20 What did it matter if Gran took all day to bind the cloths round her aching knees so she could walk ?
21 It took us all day to get the months ' accumulation of gooey duck muck and seagull poo off the airframe , and despite getting soaked lying in cold puddles of grimy water under the floats we never did remove all the khaki slime from their bottoms .
22 Details of the crime , and even the suspect 's picture , have been featured in this newspaper but all efforts to persuade the police to tell us his name have come to nought .
23 It was also discovered that egg production could be boosted by leaving lights on in the houses all night to fool the hens into thinking that it was still daylight .
24 It 'll take them all morning to cover the kids from the school .
25 At the outset of the research project , after initial discussions with the Officer-in-charge , a formal briefing was given to all staff explaining the aims of the project and the approach to be taken , giving the opportunity for any questions to be raised .
26 He had moreover , unlike Boethius , had the experience of seeing what Viking pirates did to his defenceless subjects ; and again unlike Boethius had taken such drastic measures against evil as hanging Viking prisoners , and rebellious monks , and in all probability cutting the throats of any wounded pirates so unlucky as to be left on the battlefield .
27 Divisional managers made all decisions affecting the operations of their own divisions , but :
28 The next , the heavens are lit up with flashing neon lights , while from all sides come the bashings and screechings of Indian brass bands .
29 All predators modify the bones of their prey to a certain extent .
30 However there are several reasons which suggest that O. rosea should be retained in Ophiacantha : firstly in all specimens examined the jaws are short , broader than long not longer than broad as in Ophioprium .
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