Example sentences of "been [to-vb] the [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've been to see the referee and he told me to ask the linesman because it was his decision .
2 Between them , they are better equipped than any group has ever been to combat the plague that affects eight women in ten .
3 The government 's answer had been to increase the responsibilities and accountability of management and put a good deal of political energy into the efficiency strategy .
4 The aim of this chapter has been to discuss the opportunities and problems associated with ward learning .
5 Our priority all along has been to win the League and nothing has altered that . ’
6 Thus for those choosing to work with vertebrates , the tendency has been to abandon the mazes and skinner boxes of earlier generations of psychologists in favour of classical conditioning of very simple reflexes ( such as heart-rate or eye-blink ) in rabbits , where the neural circuitry can be reasonably clearly mapped .
7 When playing with Dominoes , Lotto cards , Snap cards , etc. , the predominant thought has been to use the pictures or patterns on them for matching one-to-one , yet the example quoted shows valuable spin-offs that lead to other equally important mathematical experiences .
8 Part of my job as your representative has been to put the views and ideas offered by you , the teacher , to the organising committees of the Society .
9 The first and most general cost has been to give the impression that Official Unionists would not be welcome in the Free Church .
10 It was not so much a guidance note as a review ; the Committee 's terms of reference had been to consider the design and layout most appropriate to various types of roads in built-up areas , with due regard to safety , the free Mow of road traffic , economy and the requirements of town planning , and to make recommendations .
11 The second aim has been to reduce the attractiveness and the scope of the welfare state , in order that people begin seeking private or company provision .
12 Sober reflection would have shown him that the sensible procedure would have been to phone the police and get them to ask the Bomb Disposal Squad to come and check the bag out .
13 One of the main changes has been to allow the establishment or revival of private schools , previously not permitted to operate .
14 The only problem so far has been to anchor the device when the current gets too strong .
15 I think my skill has been to take the legacy and build on it .
16 He retorted that the choice had been to close the paper and he wished he had done that because it would have been remembered as a decent publication .
17 But it is important to state that although in recent years in Britain , there have been many service innovations whose aim has been to improve the home or community care of elderly mentally frail people ( see for example Age Concern England , l983 ) , unfortunately most of these schemes have either not been systematically evaluated ( often because they have been very small in scale ) , or — if they have — results have not been widely disseminated .
18 The application was renewed to the full court ( Taylor L.J. , Waterhouse and Kennedy JJ. ) on 5 March 1992 and was granted , the grounds of appeal being , that conversations between the undercover police officers and the appellant were interviews and , therefore , the rules in the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 and the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 ( s. 66 ) Codes of Practice ( ‘ the PACE Codes ’ ) ought to have been but were not observed , that the effect of the police operation had been to trick the appellant and his co-accused into self-incrimination , and that pursuant to Reg. v. Sang [ 1980 ] A.C. 402 the court ought to have excluded the evidence under section 78 of the Act of 1984 .
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