Example sentences of "been [v-ing] through [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have been looking through the private Ledger , ’ Bragg said amiably .
2 The sights and sounds of a Red Indian Reservation have been reverberating through the pastoral tranquility of Gloucestershire .
3 According to the Crewe Programme , the Youth have been going through a rocky period .
4 Quite apart from the impending expansion and modernisation of our fleet , we had been going through a difficult period in the prevailing political climate at HQ .
5 His wife Ann-Marie Turnpenny , of Sheerwater Avenue , Darlington , said their marriage had been going through a difficult period .
6 The lighting cameraman may have been going through a bad patch , or simply been driven crazy by the sort of director who ca n't make up their mind about anything .
7 Soviet-American relations have been going through a bad patch since the beginning of the year , troubled by the crackdown on the Baltic states , differences in the Gulf war and an arms-control quarrel .
8 But after plunging towards the relegation zone with just four points from the previous 21 , he admitted : ‘ We have been going through a bad time and We needed this win . ’
9 Roger Kelly , who coordinates its work explains : ‘ For 15 years this place has been going through a slow , organic evolution .
10 The event had been going through a lean period and had degenerated into a glorified booze-up , but there were some who were interested in keeping it alive and they got together to decide if they were going to let it go or make an effort to put it on its feet again .
11 Derry City 's new boy conceded Roy Coyle 's side had been going through a lean period but he said the lads would bounce back .
12 Henry 's been going through the old ledgers but can not find any sign of a fiddle .
13 The cooperative movement had been going through the same process , and every week was being confronted by the same forces which had compelled trade unionists to consolidate their forces .
14 This last month , the Bavarians have been going through the painful experience of learning that , where an historic collection is concerned , it is the whole which is greater than the parts , and no saving of individual items can make up for the erosion of that whole .
15 Yet Jennifer in recent months has been growing through a difficult spell in the growing up process , particularly mentally .
16 The rate of failures has been declining through the 1980s and the last time it was running at these levels was 1984 , when 3,924 businesses failed .
17 They 'd been strolling through the individual gardens within the whole for more than two hours , while Rune told her about the traditions of the gardens and how , despite attempts at imitation , they remained unique in Europe — if not the world — before they reached the area set aside for the funfair and he suggested she might like a ride on some of the attractions .
18 It was a coincidence that the previous weekend I had been sorting through an old trunk of mine full of memorabilia at my parents ' home , and came across my membership certificate for the Tailwaggers Club , along with Tailwagger medallion .
19 Alfred 's shop looked as though it had been closed and deserted for months ; it was hard to believe that it was only three days since a few people , at least , had been entering through the rickety door with its small glass panes to buy patent medicines or seek advice .
20 In fact , he has usually been regarded as the supreme Minimalist painter , but perceptions have been changing through a closer study of his earlier work which reveals him as an artist whose origins lie in painterly Abstraction .
21 These efforts by the government were given more force through the White Paper Better Schools , which outlined the aims that had been emerging through the previous documents .
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