Example sentences of "been [v-ing] [to-vb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ever since the Seven Planets had become an independent Federation , the smaller planets had been struggling to break away from Nicaea .
2 This was the sight that Bill Brice saw when he smilingly turned round , holding the fresh bottle of sherry which he had been kneeling to get out from under the window-seat .
3 turn to Mr Potter I think he 's been dying to get back on this so
4 At the beginning of book in , when describing the revolt of Lesbos in 427 , Thucydides says that the Lesbians ‘ had been wanting to revolt even before the war , but the Spartans had been unwilling to receive them into alliance ’ .
5 ‘ She confirmed what she has been attempting to gloss over in her bid to become deputy leader — that she is still as left wing as ever … a unilateralist in the mould of Tony Benn himself .
6 The employer said it had been attempting to tighten up on the very widespread practice of employees going for tea immediately after clocking on .
7 He 's been waiting to get even with you , that 's all .
8 He remembered his sporadic visits back to Taler 's Bump , the shy little girl who 'd been virtually a stranger to him , his awkward attempts at being a family man when all the time he 'd only been yearning to get back to work .
9 If he 'd been going to hang up on me , something made him change his mind and could be it was something I said .
10 Just as though he had not been going to walk past into the kitchen , he wheeled , and pounded up the stairs in front of her .
11 And he had been perfectly justified , he assured himself smugly , in cancelling their holiday plans at once — she had never been going to get back on time .
12 Of course , if she had been going to get there in time for the beginning , she should have rushed back straight away , out upset at such times was the very worst thing for her mother and it would upset her to think that Peony wanted to go out immediately she 'd got in .
13 I 've been going to come up about it and g
14 Before and after Bridie 's pronouncement Anglo-Scots have been striving to do well on the international field at home .
15 He might have been intending to go back to his family and appear utterly horrified while breaking the news of my death .
16 He says the county council has been trying to find out for 6 years about the planning of the east-west route because we were very worried about the effect it would have on Oxford and the countryside around Oxford .
17 She told me when we were staying there that she 'd been trying to conceive ever since her wedding . ’
18 Yes it 's it 's it was one of the er advertisements or programmes that went out on radio er again this is why I 've been trying to get over to people the sad things that have to happen to animals .
19 Since WWF 's change to its present name from World Wildlife Fund it has , to quote a staffer in a rival pressure group , ‘ been trying to get away from its cuddly animal image ’ .
20 ‘ I suppose , ’ said Floy , thoughtfully , fixing Caspar with an equally meaningful stare , ‘ that we can trust you , can we ? ’ and Caspar said , ‘ Oh , for the — Floy , I 've been trying to get away from these creatures ever since they took Tara !
21 My daughter 's been trying to get on for ages .
22 It 's like a dream in which we 've been trying to get through to people and we 've represented this by seeing ourselves locked inside our homes , desperately trying to get out .
23 I 've been trying to get through to him in New York for weeks , and when he finally shows up in the office I 'm covered in green face-mask .
24 I opened my eyes at fucking five to six and I could see him at the window Ken ran then across the road and he says Dawn your brother 's been trying to get in for ages .
25 Certain men have been trying to get in on the politically correct act for a while .
26 that my sin was laid on you , now what happens is that our relationship with God is restored , that , that chasm , that , that gulf that we 've been trying to get across with our good works with our church attendance with all these other things , suddenly we are , our land with a bridge across it , there 's no longer a barrier there , there 's no longer a great gulf there , Jesus Christ has bridged it , that broken relationship has restored and from this relationship the basis of that relationship we have the power to become as God made us .
27 The key phrase is , of course , ‘ he let his thinking catch up with him ’ , with its subtle implication that Tethra has been trying to run away from the knowledge that he does not belong .
28 We began by talking about food , but food quickly became boring and was replaced by feelings , the things I had been trying to stuff down with food .
29 He was probably quite old , then , Lindsey thought , busily fitting pieces into the mental jigsaw she had been trying to build up of her new boss .
30 I 've been meaning to go again with the children .
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